Thursday, January 27, 2011

Check out Site

OK I found this site by luck. But this is great what this site does is it shows all the info about your website/blog, like your site's estimated value, revenue, page views, alexa rating, backlinks, Google and Yahoo indexed pages and much more.
I also got a widget for my site check it out. It's got all the info in one place. You should really check out your site's ratings.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Can any of you access PayPal

Earlier it was like that if you had to had a PayPal account to buy or sell online. So I suppose many of you would have a PayPal account right?
If you don't then try going to I have tried for very long and whenever I go there I see this

This webpage is not available.

The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

Not only that i have even googled paypal and looked at all the links popped up and the result was the same.
So what's with PayPal, have they shutdown or something or they don't want me to come in.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Alertpay ™ PHP Shopping Page v3.0

So as I mentioned earlier I have made some changes like you don't need a separate download and cancel page all is done in just one page. Script is easy to change you have to just edit the all.js file everytime you add a new product.


// Alertpay PHP Shopping Page Script v3.0
// Script written By Tanmay Das
// © Copyright All rights reserved.
// 'name of the thumbshot, screenshot and .zip file to be downloaded', 'name of the product','author','price',
'H5p9O33k7Uf5','HTML Template','Tanmay Das','18',
function listDisplay(dataArr)
var furl, name, author, r1, l, v;
v = 4;
l = (dataArr.length / v)-(dataArr.length / v);
furl = dataArr[l * v];
name = dataArr[(l * v)+1];
author = dataArr[(l * v)+2];
r1 = dataArr[(l * v)+3];
r2 = dataArr[(l * v)+4];

document.write('<div id="thumb_div">');
document.write('<table width="200" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">');
document.write('<tr><td><img src="template/thumbs/'+furl+'.jpg" width="200" height="150" /></td></tr>');
document.write('<tr><td width="53">Author : '+author+'</td></tr>');
document.write('<tr><td>Price : $'+r1+'</td></tr>');
document.write('<tr><td height="20" align="center"><a href="');
document.write('id='+furl+'&amp;name='+name+'&amp;aut='+author+'&amp;r1='+r1+'" target="_self">');
document.write('View Template</a></td></tr>');
document.write('<tr><td align="center"><a href="');
document.write('id='+furl+'&amp;name='+name+'&amp;aut='+author+'&amp;r1='+r1+'" target="_self">');
document.write('<img src="../images/buy_small.gif" width="115" height="27" border="0" /></a></td></tr>');
Copy it, save it as all.js (for now) and change the links given in bold


// Alertpay PHP Shopping Page Script v3.0
// Script written By Tanmay Das
// © Copyright All rights reserved.
$default0 = 'all';
$dbase = isset($_GET['db']) ? $_GET['db'] : $default0;
$dbase = basename($dbase);
$default1 = 'test';
$furl = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : $default1;
$furl = basename($furl);
$default2 = 'Name of the Template';
$fname = isset($_GET['name']) ? $_GET['name'] : $default2;
$fname = basename($fname);
$default3 = 'Tanmay Das';
$author = isset($_GET['aut']) ? $_GET['aut'] : $default3;
$author = basename($author);
$default4 = '0';
$price1 = isset($_GET['r1']) ? $_GET['r1'] : $default4;
$price1 = basename($price1);
$default5 = '0';
if (file_exists('download/'.$furl.'.zip'))    {
echo('<table width="1000" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">');
echo('<tr><td width="75%"><img src="preview/'.$furl.'.jpg" /></td>');
echo('<td width="25%" valign="top"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">');
echo('<tr><td>Author : '.$author.'</td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>');
echo('<tr><td>Commercial Licence (Price : $'.$price1.')</td></tr><tr><td align="center">');
echo('<form method="post" action="" >');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_purchasetype" value="item-goods"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_merchant" value=""/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_itemname" value="'.$fname.' (Commercial Licence)"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_currency" value="USD"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_returnurl" value="'.$fname.'&aut='.$author.'&rs='.$r1.'&id='.$furl.'"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_itemcode" value="'.$furl.'"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_quantity" value="1"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_amount" value="'.$price1.'"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_cancelurl" value="'.$fname.'&aut='.$author.'&rs='.$r1.'&id='.$furl.'"/>');
echo('<input type="image" name="ap_image" src="buy.gif"/>');
else if(!file_exists('template/dbase/'.$dbase.'.js'))
echo('<h5>There has been an ERROR</h5>');
echo('<script type="text/javascript" src="template/dbase/all.js"></script>');
Copy it save it as buy.php (for now) and edit everything in bold


// Alertpay PHP Shopping Page Script v3.0
// Script written By Tanmay Das
// © Copyright All rights reserved.
$default0 = 'home';
$furl = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : $default0;
$furl = basename($furl);
$default1 = 'name';
$fname = isset($_GET['name']) ? $_GET['name'] : $default1;
$fname = basename($fname);
$default3 = 'Tanmay Das';
$author = isset($_GET['aut']) ? $_GET['aut'] : $default3;
$author = basename($author);
$default4 = '0';
$price = isset($_GET['rs']) ? $_GET['rs'] : $default4;
$price = basename($price);
$default5 = '5';
$status = isset($_GET['s']) ? $_GET['s'] : $default5;
$status = basename($status);
if ($status == '0')
echo ('Thank You for Purchasing HTML Template named '.$fname.' by '.$author.' with  Commercial Licence priced $'.$price);
echo ('<div align="center"><b>Download is in progress</b><br />');
echo ('<img src="../images/load.gif" width="32" height="32" /><br />');
echo ('If the download doesn&acute;t starts within 5sec<br>');
echo ('<a href="'.$furl.'">Click Here</a> to download manually</div>');
else if ($status == '1')
echo ('Sorry but the transaction was not successfull');
echo ('You have some error');
Copy and save it as download.php (for now) and change everything in bold

That's it important thing is to just go through the codes and change the links to where you have placed each file. The thumbnail image, screenshot image and the .zip file to be downloaded have the same name for ease of use, hence they are placed in different folders e.g.-thumbs, preview and download.
The buy buttons you can download from AlertPay™. Just go to Bussiness Tools > Generate a "Buy Now" Button and then select the button and copy it's url. verified by Alertpay™

Good news,
My site Design InLine has been verified by AlertPay™. So now I can sell my web-templates from my site and in celebration of this news I am posting my AlertPay™ PHP Shopping Page v3.0 for you.
I have made some changes to my PHP Shopping Page v2.0 which include.
Instead of the following pages.
download.php and

This script uses just
all.js (you can make separate .js file for each category of your product)
buy.php and

So I hope you like it.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Web Pages That

If you are into web-designing or development then this site will give you all the information that you should NEVER DO to your website.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

PHP Shopping Page v2.0

Last time I showed you a script to make a simple PHP Shopping page using just PHP and your AlertPay account. There were some glitches in them including you had to add/change the link to your download page manually on your product page. So I made a small file dbase.js to act as a database to hold all the data about your product. So all you have to do is paste a link like
<script type="text/javascript" src="dbase.js"></script>
on your product/ gallery page and it'll make a neat display of all your scripts along with their names, thumbs, author's name and prices.
Here is the script

// DBase Script (part of PHP Shopping Page Script)
// © Copyright, Design
  // Script written by Tanmay Das

// Name of the files, Name of the Template to be shown, Name of the Author, prices

  'H5p9O33k7Uf5','Name of the Template','Tanmay Das','18','20',

function listDisplay(dataArr)
  var furl, name, author, r1, r2, l, v;
  v = 5;
  l = (dataArr.length / v)-(dataArr.length / v);
  furl = dataArr[l * v];
  name = dataArr[(l * v)+1];
  author = dataArr[(l * v)+2];
  r1 = dataArr[(l * v)+3];
  r2 = dataArr[(l * v)+4];

  document.write('<div style="float:left; margin-right:10px; margin-top:5px; margin-bottom:5px;">');
  document.write('<table width="200" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">');
  document.write('<tr><td><img src="thumbs/'+furl+'.jpg" width="200" height="150" /></td></tr>');
  // thumbnails are in thumbs folder
  document.write('<tr><td width="53">Author : '+author+'</td></tr>');
  document.write('<tr><td>Price : $'+r1+'</td></tr>');
  document.write('<tr><td><a href="');
  document.write('id='+furl+'&amp;name='+name+'&amp;aut='+author+'&amp;r1='+r1+'&amp;r2='+r2+'" target="_self">');
  document.write('<tr><td><a href="');
  document.write('id='+furl+'&amp;name='+name+'&amp;aut='+author+'&amp;r1='+r1+'&amp;r2='+r2+'" target="_self">');
  document.write('<img src="buy_small.gif" width="115" height="27" border="0" /></a></td></tr>');

Go to to watch it working.

Now use it as you want but please credit me for my work.
P.S.- Remember to make it simple I used the same variable for all the files.
Meaning, if you are selling a template, the name of the thumbnail image, screenshot image and .zip file which people will download should be the same. e.g.- H5p9O33k7Uf5.
You can use a randomizer script to make cryptic names for your files.

Simple Shopping Cart with Alertpay™

Many of you must be thinking about putting a shopping cart on your site, blog to earn some cash, sell your HTML templates or images or scripts. But shopping cart takes a little effort to run. I mean My SQL or a flat file database. Also many free scripts use a .cgi file, if you have paid hosting then no problem, but if you have free hosting (like my ) then you are not given access to any .cgi file on the server.
So after fiddling around with PHP, I made a script that uses neither a database (My SQL or flat file) nor .cgi file. It is a simple PHP file that calls the variable from the link to load data and sends the user to your AlertPay page to buy your file. So all you have to do is upload the screenshot image file, flash files (if any) and the zip file to be downloaded and using only three files you can sell all your files. I have used AlertPay because I have an account there also I tried to open a PayPal™ account but I didn't succeed. So here is my script.
You might remember earlier I had posted a tutorial I modified to make PHP Templates. The script is more or less the same but I modified it more so that instead of calling a php file. It calls .jpg preview of the template and inserts all the data from the link into itself. Sample.
To start just copy and paste this code in the body tag and save it as say cart.php.
// Simple PHP Shopping Page Script
// © Copyright, Design
// Script created by Tanmay Das
$default1 = 'test';
$furl = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : $default1;
$furl = basename($furl);
$default2 = 'Name of the Template';
$fname = isset($_GET['name']) ? $_GET['name'] : $default2;
$fname = basename($fname);
$default3 = 'Tanmay Das';
$author = isset($_GET['aut']) ? $_GET['aut'] : $default3;
$author = basename($author);
$default4 = '0';
$price1 = isset($_GET['r1']) ? $_GET['r1'] : $default4;
$price1 = basename($price1);
$default5 = '0';
$price2 = isset($_GET['r2']) ? $_GET['r2'] : $default5;
$price2 = basename($price2);
if (file_exists('download/'.$furl.'.zip'))    {
echo('<table width="1000" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">');
echo('<tr><td width="75%"><img src="preview/'.$furl.'.jpg" /></td>');
echo('<td width="25%" valign="top"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">');
echo('<tr><td>Author : '.$author.'</td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>');
echo('<tr><td>Commercial Licence (Price : $'.$price1.')</td></tr><tr><td align="center">');
echo('<form method="post" action="" >');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_purchasetype" value="item-goods"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_merchant" value=""/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_itemname" value="'.$fname.' (Commercial Licence)"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_currency" value="USD"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_returnurl" value="'.$furl.'"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_itemcode" value="'.$furl.'"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_quantity" value="1"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_amount" value="'.$price1.'"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_cancelurl" value="'.$furl.'"/>');
echo('<input type="image" name="ap_image" src="buy.gif"/>');
echo('<tr><td>Developer&acute;s Licence (Price : $'.$price2.')</td></tr>');
echo('<tr><td align="center"><form method="post" action="" >');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_purchasetype" value="item-goods"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_merchant" value=""/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_itemname" value="'.$fname.' (Developer&acute;s Licence)"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_currency" value="USD"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_returnurl" value="'.$furl.'"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_itemcode" value="'.$furl.'"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_quantity" value="1"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_amount" value="'.$price2.'"/>');
echo('<input type="hidden" name="ap_cancelurl" value="'.$furl.'"/>');
echo('<input type="image" name="ap_image" src="buy.gif"/>');
echo('The template you are looking for was not found');

Now for the link. of the Template&aut=Author's Name&r1=10&r2=20
OK the "id" is the name of your screenshot file (the image file that you'll give for preview) which should be in the "preview" folder also the name of the .zip/.rar file (the one that others will download) which should be in the "download" folder. You can change the folders by changing their paths.
The "name" in the link is the name you want to give to the template or script to download to make it look fancy. The "aut" is the name of the author of the file and "r1" and "r2" are the variables carrying the price to Alertpay™.

The download file is also very simple. Just copy and paste this code in download .php.

$default = 'home';
$furl = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : $default;
$furl = basename($furl);
<div align="center"><b>Download is in progress</b><br />
<img src="load.gif" width="32" height="32" /><br />
If the download doesn't starts in 5 sec then <a href="<?php echo(''.$furl.'.zip'); ?>">Click Here</a> to download manually.</div>

It is a simple script right just make the files, upload them and test them out. You'll figure it out very easily.

P.S.- The script is still a work in progress. I have still some work to do on it to make it secure. It is basically for those who want to earn some cash, if you really want to earn your living of selling the I suggest you look for a more secure shopping cart.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Check out my new site

Everybody come check out my new site Design InLine. With this site I'm entering into web-designing. I want all your support in this.
A little work is still remaining, but the overall site is complete. I want all your reviews on it.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

PHP Template v 2.0

Earlier I posted a tutorial on making PHP Template (which I didn't made, but perfected it).
I had posted a link to my free site where I had written it in detail. But due to some reasons I had 2 remove it. As I have made the script even better I M giving a small tutorial here.
For starters, in a PHP tutorial a single file is used as template in which content from other files is pulled in. So when you want 2 edit a menu item which is present in all D pages U have 2 just edit the template file and upload it. Also you don't have to add any HTML codes inside the content files other than those which will be inside D <body> </body> tags.
First create your Template file and name it as index.php. Put all the links and other things that U want in it then in the area where U want 2 put the content after menus and before footer paste this code.

  $common = 'page1'; // Home Page
  $page = isset($_GET['p']) ? $_GET['p'] : $common;
  $page = basename($page);
  $default = 'main'; // Home Folder (you must place all the content files in a folder)
  $directory = isset($_GET['dir']) ? $_GET['dir'] : $default;
  $directory = basename($directory);
  if (!file_exists($directory.'/'.$page.'.php'))    {
  $page = '404';
  $directory = 'main';
Save it and U are done.
For the links U have 2 make some changes. As D script checks for folder & file U have 2 write links like this.
Instead of <a href="folder/page.php">Link</a>
Write <a href="?dir=folder&p=page">Link</a>

Sunday, January 2, 2011

How to start a business with no money

Many people want to start businesses but don't have the money. However many businesses, including some world wide ones, have been started by dedicated entrepreneurs with empty pockets. The trick is to specialize in a service or product that you're good at, you love to do, and then start growing one order at a time.
1) Car washing (portable) for office buildings
2) Computer assembling and repair.
3) Computer programming (Think Bill Gates)
4) Event planner (parties and events)
5) Freelance writing for media (Many people make $$$$ just blogging)
6) Gift baskets (One sale to start can become a Harry and David)
7) Handyman services (consider focusing on a specialty)
8) Hobbies can become businesses: cookies, decorated cake, etc.
9) Holiday decorating for homes and businesses.
10) House cleaning.
11) Photographer (weddings, parties or businesses)
12) Portable food cart (your own specialty)
13) Remodeling (specialized)
14) Resume/document writer.
15) Sports coach (tennis, basketball, baseball, etc.)
16) Teaching/tutoring: computer, musical instruments, languages, etc.(If you are good at something, never do it for free)
17) Website design and management.